Manifestations of ADHD in young children

That Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is something that should not be taken lightly is something that we all have clear. Therefore, it is important to know when a child suffers from this type of truth disorder and when not. For this, we can be guided by a series of aspects that we can see in the child.

These manifestations of ADHD in young children They are indicative, and obviously it will always be the specialized staff who confirm or deny our suspicions about neither our son or our daughter, in fact, suffer from this disorder.

We must bear in mind that in young children it is difficult to distinguish between behavioral problems that are transient and those that are clinically significant. Otherwise, we would make assumptions that are not true, and care must be taken to "tag" children.


We have said before that when children are young it is very difficult to differentiate between children with ADHD and children who have behavioral problems typical of their age. Still, to behavioral level, parents and teachers seem to agree when they say that, in children with ADHD, there is an exaggeration of the typical behaviors of preschoolers without attention problems.

They are usually excessively restless children (on occasion I have met parents who have said that their child "seems to work with a motor"), less complacent and with a more negative character. This excess of activity, inattention and impulsivity causes children with ADHD to suffer accidents with relative frequency.

On the other hand, emotional explosions in the form of tantrums are also quite frequent, both at home, at school and in public places, which makes parents feel questioned many times regarding the education of their children.

In kindergarten and schools, children with ADHD focus their attention less on day-to-day tasks than their peers. They are usually very restless and under control of their impulses, in addition to being able to present disobedient, challenging and even oppositional behaviors.

They have big problems to play alone, since toys do not use them for their purpose (that is, to play), but to manipulate them and even break them. When they decide to play with other children, they are unable to follow the rules of the proposed game, do not accept to lose and try to impose their will on others, which causes their peers do not want to play with him and is rejected by the other children and excluded from social events, such as birthday parties.

Cognitive Level and Language

Cognitively It has been seen that children up to five or six years with ADHD have a low level of surveillance, motor control and working memory. TO linguistic levelOn the other hand, it should be noted that most preschoolers with ADHD have a worse predisposition towards literacy, which will affect their subsequent reading and writing skills.

This may be mainly due to the fact that boys and girls with ADHD have significantly lower performance in aspects such as perceptual-visual skills (for example, visual-spatial coordination) recognition of spatial differences, syllabic awareness, phoneme memory and right-left orientation. All these factors are directly related prerequisites necessary for adequate reading and writing performance.


We have seen that ADHD is almost never presented as a single disorder, but is usually associated with other problems such as behavioral, emotional, social, perceptual-motor or language problems. All of them greatly condition the long-term results of the children who suffer from them.

It is necessary to pay attention to manifestations of ADHD in young children since it is very important to be able to carry out a diagnosis and an intervention as early as possible; In this way, it would significantly improve the development of children with ADHD.

Video: ADHD Symptoms Differ For Boys And Girls (May 2024).