Child abuse will be collected in a unified way by the Government, even if only part of the cases were registered

Until now there were no systematic studies, nor unified databases or records, that gave an objective and global vision of the magnitude of the problem of child abuse nationwide.

As of this year every time there is an aggression left by a fatal victim of gender-based violence, statistics they will also collect the number of sons and daughters under 18 who have been victims of that violence, as reported by the Secretary of State for Social Services and Equality. The Children's Platform has long called for a change in this regard. In 2010, it published its Supplementary Report to the report of the Spanish State in which the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child is informed about the fulfillment of children's rights in Spain, and a section on violence was included demanding this aspect.

The official sources that offer data of interest on children and adolescents victims of violence are varied but there is no unification, since records are not systematic, and it is not possible to establish comparative studies.

The fact that data is collected in a unified way can be positive from the point of view of knowing the situation better, although all children who are mistreated by relatives and do not have a mother who is a fatal victim of gender-based violence will still be excluded. , Y they are many, no doubt. In addition, data collection is not the only possible activity aimed at child protection.

I am clearly against violence against children, and I am sure that more prevention / containment measures would be necessary, as well as support for parents who experience difficulties of any kind. As a good friend of mine says: 'we were victims of victims', since many of the adults abused in their childhood, have realized that their own parents had suffered a greater degree of violence years ago.

It is clear that Now the ones that matter are today's children, so we should be able to break the circle, learn to relate better with them without resorting to abuse of authority. For this, social awareness is very important, and take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us to educate in positive, like this guide of Save the Children. Perhaps, we should consider the damage that can be caused to the child, which will probably result in future consequences.

Video: HDS Carbon from Lowrance - Are you ready? (May 2024).