Is it time to start teaching to program in Spanish schools?

We retrieve this video (English with Spanish subtitles) that presents what most schools don't teach and that using great entrepreneurs from North America, who were also programmers, puts the focus on Programming is a subject that should be taught with more emphasis on schools. And the sooner they start doing it, and with a clear direction and objectives, the easier it will be that in the future they can create their own company or have a decent job or have a job in which to develop their full potential.

In the video it seems that one thing is clear, and that is all started in a very self-taught way, without being part of the school program. It is their dedication, effort and desire that leads them to relate programming to the realization of utilities for everyone. For example, Dropbox, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, etc. they are big companies that solve a specific need and to do so they use programming as the main asset.

So it seems necessary that children learn from childhood, using media such as play or competition, to learn how to use the computer, or equipment that works as such. To teach to program I see it more specific and concrete and it does not seem that everyone has to learn to throw lines of code. Similarly, we could say that chess helps to think logically and not everyone has to be a great teacher. In any case it does seem important to teach children to think, to reason, to explain themselves, to inquire, to ask, to fall and to get up learning and without losing the illusion.

The future of education is to leave children with a lot of tools, which they are also using at home, and teach them to develop skills with them. It is not reasonable that in the 21st century programming has to be self-taught.

Programming will be another skill that will help children solve problems and deal with them differently. It is not necessary to know how to program perfectly because in the current qualified jobs all tasks are performed in teams, each specialized in a task, and under the coordination or supervision of other teams. The specialization is good although I dare to say that the most important thing is to know everything. And also fundamentals of programming.

Video: How is Early Childhood Teaching in Spain? Olivia's testimonial (May 2024).