They put three rockers on the border between Mexico and the United States, so that children can play together

If there is a trait that characterizes children, it is their innocence. They do not know about evil or prejudice or racism or divisions for political reasons. For a child, we are all the same, we are all people sharing life on the same planet. Surely it would help us adults to be more like them and put aside the things that divide us.

An example of this is an incredible initiative that two teachers had: place rockers on the border between the United States and Mexico so that the families of both countries play and have fun together, a clear message in favor of unity.

Teeter-Totter Wall”Is the name of the project of Roland Rael, professor of architecture at the University of California, and Virginia San Fratello, professor of design at San Jose State University, and who was born 10 years ago, when the first sketches of this initiative that was driven by Chopeke Collective.

Through a post on his Instagram account, Roland explains that the main message of this project, in which three bright pink rockers were installed right on the border fence that divides Mexico and the United States in the states of Chihuahua and Nuevo Mexico respectively, is show metaphorically that all actions that happen on one side, have direct consequences on the other side.

One of the most incredible experiences of my and @vasfsfs career bringing to life the conceptual drawings of the Teetertotter Wall from 2009 in an event filled with joy, excitement, and togetherness at the borderwall. The wall became a literal fulcrum for U.S. - Mexico relations and children and adults were connected in meaningful ways on both sides with the recognition that the actions that take place on one side have a direct consequence on the other side. Amazing thanks to everyone who made this event possible like Omar Rios @ colectivo.chopeke for collaborating with us, the guys at Taller Herrería in #CiudadJuarez for their fine craftsmanship, @anateresafernandez for encouragement and support, and everyone who showed up on both sides including the beautiful families from Colonia Anapra, and @ kerrydoyle2010, @kateggreen, @ersela_kripa, @stphn_mllr, @wakawaffles, @chris_inabox and many others (you know who you are). #raelsanfratello #borderwallasarchitecture

But besides that, they also wanted to send a message of unity, fun and joy, by launching it with the participation of families from both countries, who played together despite the physical division between them.

According to CNN information, Ronald explained that the idea came up in 2009, and is a way of Tell the stories of human, cultural and environmental challenges presented by the construction of the wall.

"The ups and downs demonstrates how those immediate relationships between people can create an environment where happiness and play are also important aspects of life on the border and that our relationships with our neighbors can extend past political relationships, but also relationships human"he says.

Boys and adults played with their country neighbors, and we could see once again how For children there are no barriers, and that racial or political problems are beyond their understanding: they just want to play and share happiness with their peers and with people who are close to them.

Video: Inside the Michigan Militia (May 2024).