"Dance with the future": Awareness song about bone marrow donation


Do you remember these children of the oncology service of the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu who recorded a video with the objective of raising funds for cancer research?

Well, something similar was done last December by patients (also children) from the hematology department at Marqués de Valdecilla / Santander Hospital. It turns out that they recorded “Dance with the future”, interpreting the song of Cantabrian singer-songwriter Mario San Miguel, who had given them the rights to use the theme. They also had the support of Alma Photography Solidaria; and of relatives and health personnel that as you can see also appear in the video. It seems that it was a nine-year-old girl, who inspired by the theme of Macaco, suggested that they, there in the Marquis of Valdecilla, could also involve society in a sensitive issue such as leukemia patients.

So I invite you to watch the recording, and get information about the donation of blood (in the Brotherhood of Donors of Cantabria) and marrow (at the Josep Carreras Foundation). Or at least to become aware of the importance of donations.

In the case of leukemia, Only a quarter of patients in need of a transplant have a compatible family member, so they need to turn to a donor outside the family.


"Dance with the future" (you'll see, or better listen) is a song full of hope.

Video: Will Smith Surprises Viral Video Classmates for Their Kindness (July 2024).