Dad, what is a walkman?

Our children, with some exceptions, they no longer know or know what a walkman is. It is a technology, very associated with the children of the GBS in Spain, with which we could take the music anywhere, listen to songs intimately and isolated from our parents, we could make our own playlists, it was very easy to use and also when we did not like a song we gave it forward to pass it and ignore it. It was an ideal device to take it to the beach, to the pool, to walk around the city, to use it in the car and those who liked to run were wearing it hooked in their clothes with a clamp.

In the video below, however, for children under 10 years old, except for someone who may have more, the walkman, who does not recognize, it's absolutely useless compared to an iPhone. And, although children can do the same as we did at their age, they seem to perceive as more useful Easy to use of the current devices, the capacity to play many more songs than the 30 that can fit in a musicassette, the weight, the headphones (Now they are not essential because an iPhone or an iPad sound great), the organization and access to the songs and above all that can be connect to the internet to access multimedia content.

In the video you can see how the children, who were born after the year 2001 that is when the first Apple iPod is invented, do not understand the operation of a walkman, nor do they like the touch it has, do not understand the keys, probably they are surprised that it does not have a screen and they are distressed by the number of songs it contains. In addition the musicassette seems to be a very limited container and I think they are unable to associate with any current support.

I think the funniest part of the video is how children respond to the evolution of technology and they are surprised how their parents lived, in the same way that we were surprised that our parents lived what happened in the world through a radio long before the television arrived. The challenge of children born in the 21st century is to conceive new devices that take advantage of the evolution of technology and make our lives easier. Perhaps the "devices that are carried" (wereables) is the new step in evolution with the Gafas Google As the most prominent device.

And of course, seeing the evolution of the devices it is understood that the consumption of the contents, especially of the music, has changed so much. If before it was essential to have a support in which the songs were, all that has jumped through the air with digital content that can be easily shared and exchanged between devices or that are accessible on the Internet in the form of video or audio to be reproduced when you want and from where you want.

Video: KIDS REACT TO WALKMANS Portable Cassette Players (May 2024).