Murphy's laws: adaptation for parents

Edward Aloysius Murphy Junior He was an American aerospace engineer who worked with rocket experiments, but who has gone on to posterity for being the father of his famous Murphy's laws.

The origin of Murphy's laws is not very clear, but two theories are accepted: the first is that in a failed essay, Murphy blamed his assistant saying "if that person has a way to make a mistake, he will ". The second states that it was Murphy's father who one day said "If there is more than one way to do a job and one of them will culminate in disaster, someone will do it that way." Here we have adapted some of them to our field, we present Murphy's laws: adaptation for parents.

Well, without wasting any more time, we begin:

Law, and that?

As much as you check the house and have controlled the 100 most dangerous points of it, your children will find 101 just when you are not close to them.

Law, haven't you been able to ask before?

Just when you have entered the elevator or buckled your child to the car seat or left the bar, your child will feel like peeing.

Law of this I don't like

It does not matter if you have prepared your favorite food, as soon as you put it on the table your child will have changed favorite food ten minutes ago.

Law of No Throw

Just at the moment you are going to remove some of your child's toys because he does not use it is when he will ask for it.

Law of the visits

Just the day you receive the most important visit of the year, your child decides to display his most eschatological skills.

Law of generation of dislikes

The level of mischief is inversely proportional to the noise made to make it.

Lamparón Law

The stain that has not been removed in the washing machine is the most visible.

Law of boxes and gifts

The more you liked a gift for your child, the more he will play with the box.

Dress me slowly

The time it takes to dress your children is directly proportional to the rush you have

Law of open secrets

Of all the things you mentioned in front of your son, the one you most want to keep secret will be the first one he tells the neighbor in the elevator.

Law of the exhibitions

As many times as your son has done something in front of you, he will forget the day he has to do it in front of others.

Law of Ops, a stain

The probability of your child throwing you up is directly proportional to the importance of the meeting you are going to have.