The controversy over the television program that offered a devalued image of a disabled child

Earlier this month, a state-wide association requested the Prosecutor's Office to act against a Spanish Television program, which they considered illegitimate demeaning use of minors in a begging way.

The program is called "Among all", and surely you have heard about it, because it has been in the spotlight for several months to move to charity but no real solutions to the people who star in the stories on which it is based, and who are in a situation of social precariousness. After the notice of the State Association of Directors and Managers of Social Services, the Prosecutor's Office filed a lawsuit in a trial court against the program presented by Toñi Moreno, and against the producer (Proamagna).

The reason? during one of his broadcasts he showed a minor with a disability, and claiming the delicate situation his family was going through, the goal of “Among all” that is to move to compassion was enhanced

The Spanish Committee of Representatives of Persons with Disabilities (CERMI) has also reacted after the issuance of said program, although considering that there has been no deliberate will. Of course, its president Luis Cayo Pérez Bueno, warns that giving disability a role of comparsa, is to offer a devalued and despised image.

CERMI complains about the excessive use of data that allowed the identification of the child; and at the same time it urges society to adopt an innovative role that generates changes in the face of social problems. Because there should be a visibility of these problems (it makes no sense that we live 'backwards') as long as it is beyond the media.

As I know that among the responses caused by this fact, there are people who defend the program for being doing a social work that nobody assumes; I will say that in reality what I think is to be going back in time, and in fact it reminds me a little of when I was studying the subject of History of Social Work at the University.

TO expose human miseries to get audience I would call it lack of ethics.