Tips for good posture during pregnancy

Some frequent discomforts during pregnancy are caused by the body change experienced by the woman and the subsequent postural changes, especially in the last months of pregnancy. Let's see what those alterations are and the tips for good posture during pregnancy.

As pregnancy progresses, the weight of the abdomen increases, which causes its center of gravity to shift, resulting in an alteration of the body's balance.

In order to compensate for this alteration, incorrect postures are usually adopted, such as excessive arching of the lower back that causes pain in the area and fatigue. Precisely back pain during pregnancy is very frequent due to the increase in curvature of the spine, relaxation of the abdominal muscles or buttocks.

To avoid these pains and other discomforts related to the position, remember that it is very important to seek a proper posture in all daily activities. These tips will help you prevent or relieve discomfort:

  • Do not stand still and still for a long time. Remember the advice we offered you in case you have to spend time standing at work.

  • When you walk or stand up, keep your back straight. Try to keep your shoulders and neck relaxed and distribute the weight on both legs if you have to stand a long time.

  • When you sit down, try to lean on the backrest, using cushions if necessary. You can also use a small stool or footrest.

  • When bending down you have to do it by bending your knees, never tilting your back. Try not to lift a lot of weight that could cause a muscle pull or too much effort.

  • Both to lie down and to get up you have to do it gradually, gradually, supporting buttocks, one leg first and another later.

  • To sleep it is likely that at the end of pregnancy we will not find the right posture to rest. You can help yourself with cushions and it is better to sleep on your side, on the left side.

  • Regarding the best positions to have sex when the size of the gut increases, sideways, cats, sitting on the man or standing are alternatives that prevent abdominal pressure on the future mother.

Finally, remember that the usual exercise practice keeps us fit from the beginning of pregnancy and helps the body adapt to gradual changes. A gentle exercise routine is very beneficial in many ways.

Following all these tips for good posture during pregnancy we will save some discomfort and be more prepared for the time of delivery, more fit and with less concern.

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In Babies and more | Improve posture during pregnancy, Sex in pregnancy: the best positions

Video: How To SIT, SLEEP, STAND And WALK During Pregnancy. Gautam Pragya (May 2024).