The time of the year the baby is born could determine its character

No, we don't talk about the horoscope. But if the baby's first months of life, if even his experience in childbirth or the first days can mark his development, Why would I not somehow determine the time of the year in which the baby is born some of its characteristics?

There are biochemical studies that show that the seasons of the year have an influence on the levels of certain monoamine neurotransmitters that, like dopamine and serotonin, control mood and are maintained until adulthood.

This is the latest investigation of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology in Berlin, which has concluded that the time of the year the baby is born could determine his character, after studying a sample of 400 people.

It is not the first time that these relationships are established, on other occasions we have heard of "seasonal biology." In which case are you yourself or is your baby? Do you think these expectations are met?

  • Those born in spring tend to be more optimistic and radiate energy.

  • Babies born in summer they are more predisposed to be cyclothymic (a mood disorder considered a mild form of bipolar disorder) or to have mood swings. That is, moving from joy to sadness with ease, although they are more frequent than positive.

  • On the contrary, those of autumn, have a very balanced personality and are few given to depressions.

  • Babies in the winter months are calm, observant and take things easy. However, on other occasions we saw that other studies reported that these babies were more at risk of depression ...

I am still a bit skeptical about it, although I think there might be some tendency to meet those expectations due to a neurotransmitter explanation. And you, Do you think that the time of the year the baby is born could determine his character?

Video: What Does Your Birth Month Say About You? (July 2024).