How many ultrasounds are necessary in pregnancy?

This is a long awaited moment for every future mom, but we often don't know how many ultrasounds they will do to us. Normally, three ultrasound exams are necessary throughout pregnancy, although in some cases it may be necessary to do some more.

Recall that ultrasound scans allow us to see the image inside the uterus thanks to the conversion of high-frequency sound waves that bounce off it. Today, ultrasound scans are routine for pregnant women in our environment. But let's see why three are recommended in pregnancy.

Ultrasound scans are performed on pregnant women to see the evolution of embryonic and fetal structures throughout pregnancy. In addition, they allow us to assess the age of pregnancy, the situation of the placenta and the number of fetuses.

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The scans performed in the first weeks produce clearer images when the woman has a full bladder and The less abdominal fat there is, the better (That is why obesity can help fetal malformations go unnoticed). The medical professional will place an oil or gel on the abdomen to favor the transducer's travel.

The transducer with quartz crystals stimulated by electric current emits the sound waves. These waves travel to the uterus and return bounced, "drawing" what they found inside the screen. Most clinics print that image so parents can have a memory.

Normally the parts of the fetus can be well appreciated. On the screen (and the paper) bones and other dense structures can be distinguished in white or light gray, while soft tissues and organs such as heart, kidneys ... appear in gray tones.

In a normal pregnancy three ultrasounds should be performed, but cannot be done at any time during pregnancy. It is important that they take place in the appropriate weeks. Let's see when and for what the three routine ultrasounds are performed in pregnancy.

Three ultrasounds in pregnancy

  • The first ultrasound It is done in weeks 11-13 and serves to see the situation of the placenta, the number of fetuses and the nuchal fold (combined test of the first trimester). The first ultrasound is also called "date determination" because it can reveal gestational age. Professional gynecological societies recommend the first ultrasound starting at week 12 since the last period and a previous ultrasound (usually transvaginal) is of doubtful utility or convenience.

  • The second ultrasound It is done in week 18-20 to see the formation of organs and possible developmental abnormalities. Here the genitals are usually clearly seen and if you wish (and "lets see") you can already know the sex of the baby.

  • Finally, the third ultrasound is done between week 33-34 to assess fetal growth or detect a late malformation (these are usually manifested in the previous ultrasound). After this ultrasound, what will be recommended when the expected date of delivery approaches are the monitors.

An increased number of ultrasound exams in normal pregnancy does not improve the results and there are even more and more doubts about the convenience of doing more of these three ultrasounds. A few days ago we saw that the American FDA has warned about the use of ultrasound and fetal monitors for non-medical reasons. Then, you have to do them when it is really necessary and not on a whim or pleasure, to "see" the baby at any time.

When they are requested and additional examinations are necessary, it is after the diagnosis of a fetal malformation or certain risks for pregnancy, hemorrhages ... It is a hard trance that worries parents, but in these cases ultrasound becomes a tool essential to ensure the health of the mother and assess the possibility that the fetus will move forward.

When everything is going well, the time to get an ultrasound is very exciting and one of the most parents share with women. It is a unique opportunity to live together the moment the fetus is first seen.

If you do not understand well what you see on the screen, it is not that you are bad parents, sometimes it is really an abstract picture ... Ask the gynecologist to make the correct "interpretation" so you can look back at your son and recognize him when you want , until it is finally in your arms.

We already know how many ultrasounds are necessary in pregnancy. Now we only have to choose which or which of those printed images we will carry on to show them to anyone willing to see our future baby ...

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