A woman removes her twins from her own uterus during a "natural caesarean section"

Of assisted caesarean section or natural caesarean section We talked to you a few months ago, because it seemed to us an innovation that should begin to be made, if they do not find contraindications, which at the moment seems not, in all hospitals in the world, provided that the mother is willing to do so.

We explain that, just as the births are trying to become more and more respected, leaving the prominence of the moment to the woman and the baby, the C-sections are also trying to be done in the same way so that the feeling of women is closer at the time of delivery and the moment is not so much a "they take my child" but, at least, a "I have taken my child".

This is being done especially in Australia and the issue returns to the forefront because a woman has just done something very unusual: take their twins out of their own uterus, thanks to the natural caesarean section.

His name is Gerri Wolfe, he is 41 years old and the twins have been his tenth and eleventh children. It happened at John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle, New South Wales. This birth was going to be the fifth caesarean section that she would practice and she was tired of arriving at the hospital, seeing nothing, feeling nothing and finally giving her babies. That is why he rebelled at his fate and, knowing the caesarean section, decided to fight to give birth in that way.

In the words of herself, according to the Daily Mail:

My other caesarean sections were all in a very sterile, very surgical, very impersonal environment ... It's my body, it's my birth, it's my babies.

And the latter said it because when he told her husband, he was sorry. And when he told his gynecologist, he also hit him. But she had read something like that somewhere and the gynecologist finally decided to investigate. He saw that it was not so dangerous, that the risk of infection, if done well, did not increase, and agreed.

On the day of the caesarean section they put sterile gloves on her elbow and gave birth as she wanted, by caesarean section (because in week 36 they saw complications) but bringing her daughters herself to the world. First he took one, when he was told that he could, and took it to his chest. Then, when she was ready, about a minute later, she took the second one, and joined them both on top. Matilda weighed 3.04 kg, while Violet weighed 2.54 kg.

She, the mother, of course, was exultant, and it is not for less. The difference between someone taking their babies out for them, on a medical level, is very small. However, for a mother, half an abyss.

Hopefully this case goes around the world and more and more gynecologists begin to assess the possibility of doing so.

Via and Photos | Daily Mail
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