Do gardening with your children: all are benefits

One of the activities I enjoy most with my three daughters at this time of year is gardening. I admit it. Lately I don't have as much patience as before to do crafts or cook with them, just a little quick, but we can spend whole evenings doing gardening together.

Do gardening with the children It is a most entertaining plan, ideal for spring, in which all are benefits. We are outdoors, get in touch with the land and promote the value of responsibility, among many other advantages.

Planting a garden is a great idea to do with children this spring. It doesn't matter if you have a small space, today there are many options to make a small orchard in pots. It is a fantastic experience for them to see how the seeds they have planted become food that they can then eat. In addition, it helps them develop patience and helps improve their relationship with food: see where they come from, handle them, then prepare and eat them.

Caring for a garden requires perseverance, doing so together encourages teamwork and is, without a doubt, an enriching activity for the little ones. It does not consist of loading them with hard work, but starting with the most basic care such as teaching them to water the plants, remove dry leaves and plant some seeds.

It is important that you inform yourself before what are the most suitable plants and seeds for your garden or garden, so that later there are no disappointments. A good option is to buy the seedlings already germinated, but of course, you lose thanks to see the seeds we have planted grow.

Either way, whatever you choose to do gardening with your children, although you only have two flowers to take care of, it is a very nice experience to share with the children. They will begin to have some basic notions about gardening while strengthening the emotional bond with you and with the brothers, if they also participate.

Video: Duke Gardens Teaches Kids How to Grow Their Own Food (May 2024).