Get fit! 15 benefits of sport for children

Physical exercise is essential for anyone and one way to practice it is through sports. We have talked to you many times about The advantages of sport for children and today we want to summarize its benefits in 15 points that will encourage us to practice it as a family.

Sometimes due to lack of time, reluctance, or for various reasons, we do not attend to what our children are asking us, who are usually attracted to some sport. Sometimes, it is simply impossible, at least the practice of a regulated sport. But we can be teammates of our children, at least on weekends, on vacation ... There is no excuse.

These are, summarized, fifteen benefits of sport for children:

  • The sport helps the child to overcome shyness, to be more open and outgoing.
  • Sports practice slows the excessive impulses of the little ones, since they spend energy to move and “de-stress”.
  • Help the child to comply with rules and regulations.
  • It will make the child more collaborative and less individual.
  • The boy or girl will recognize and respect those who teach them because they know more than him and, where appropriate, those with whom he competes.
  • The sport produces a generalized increase in the coordinated movement.
  • In general, the practice of a sport increases its motor possibilities, thick and thin, helping to mature the psychomotor system.
  • Another physical benefit of sport is that it improves cardiovascular function and eventually prevents diseases related to it.
  • Introduce the child into society, whether it is a team game or not (there is a coach, other children who practice the same…).
  • Contributes to its growth by helping a adequate maturation of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Sport can correct overweight or obesity, contributing to the regulation of body weight and maintaining an adequate weight.
  • Boosts the creation and regularization of habits.
  • Develop pleasure in the movement against sedentary lifestyle, establishing the basis of healthy habits.
  • The sport stimulates hygiene and health.
  • Practicing a sport teaches the child to have responsibilities (schedules, perseverance ...).

Definitely, childhood sports is a great possibility of emotional and physical development. Combined with a balanced and healthy diet, physical exercise is the pillar of good health. Swimming, soccer, tennis, judo, cycling ... what sport do your children practice? Do you notice these benefits in them?

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In Babies and more | Ten tips to motivate your children to perform physical activity, Sports parents, sports children, Decalogue on the physical activity of children

Video: HealthWorks! Youth Fitness 101 - Warm Up. Cincinnati Children's (July 2024).