Why has Bugaboo involved it with the promotion of its "Runner" model?

A couple of months ago we explained what happened in the presentation of the Bugaboo Runner and we present the first conclusions: a comfortable stroller to run, but not so much for day to day, by its characteristics.

Now the stroller in question is once again liza the controversial publication (I guess with all the intention) of the photo of a model, an occasional runner, running with her daughter light clothing that not only did mothers not like it too much, but that runners don't like it either.

Why mothers didn't like it

Because yes, okay, there are women who after being mothers are left with the body of Ymre Stiekema, we will not deny it, but they are a minority. And since they are a minority, surely those who go for a run do not go with so little cloth.

What is Bugaboo's intention? Tell mothers that they should aspire to be like her or just show a thin mother exercising to serve as inspiration? Because considering that the stroller has a price of € 710 and that in all the photos there are women with athletic bodies it seems that the message with which the mothers stay is "look, Bugaboo has made it clear that this stroller is not for me: neither is within my pocket, nor do I have that body, nor would I ever dress like that to go jogging. "

Come on, if the intention is to sell thousands of units to mothers who make up the so-called "normal maternal world", that is, women with their belly and their pregnancy marks, it does not seem the best strategy.

However, if the idea is to surround your strollers with a halo of exclusivity and address the minority of women who have been mothers without looking like it, well yes, they are getting it. Eye, that is exactly what they want, because if something they have achieved over time is that it is a brand associated with a high social status.

Why brokers didn't like it

Well, because nobody goes running like that in the street. A race yes, but not on the street (I mean the cover photo), if it is not summer and it is a terrible heat (to see where you put the phone, the keys and those things that one carries). On the other hand, running pulling a stroller is extremely annoying. This, of course, depends on each one, and if pulling a stroller is the only way to go for a run, because there is no other, but come on, the gesture is annoying because you unbalance the posture and forces and over time you can to provoke aches, tensions and injuries in areas that would not be damaged if you did not take the child. Can't the father stay with the child while mom goes for a run? I ask, because it is a solution.

In addition, it hurts to see that foot that is about to step on the ground. The runners become very tiquismiquis, I would say even pedantic, and see someone run heels, with such a bad career technique, it hurts in our soul. If it is not enough risk for her to have to pull her daughter with the stroller, she runs over with her heel first, when she should fall of midfoot, because the risk of knee, hip and even back injury is increasing (in fact, he clarifies that now he doesn't run much because he is injured ... I would not be surprised if it was his way of doing it).

There are people who liked it

But hey, there are people who liked it: "She is a mother, they finally make announcements with models that are real mothers," "bravo for her willpower, who has managed to be like this" or "Aunt is good and that is what bothers ... the very practical car ", are some of the favorable opinions that can be read on Bugaboo's Facebook.

The girl, by the way, seems to also like to try the stroller, as her mother explains on the Bugaboo Journal page:

We had just arrived on the set when he said he wanted to sit in the 'Runner'. Once we got home, she just wanted to sit in the 'Runner'. This summer we will make the most of our new stroller.

So in the end the thing is what we comment on, a controversial campaign that dislikes many and likes others. If what they were looking for was to talk about the stroller, they have succeeded. Now, I do not know if it is worth addressing it only to a type of mother who can almost be counted on the fingers.

Video: Xari Stroller from Mima (May 2024).