Five practical tips for a back to school without stress

The beginning of a new course is here. Are you ready? After the freedom of the holidays, school routines await us around the corner, with early rises, schedules to meet, extracurricular activities, homework ... What am I going to tell you.

The transition is not easy for children or parents, so we will give you Five useful tips for a back to school without stress. A start without stress will make us start the course on the right foot.

The organization is key

If we want everything to go on wheels, it is very important that we organize ourselves well, especially if we have more than one child, precisely because the purchases and preparations for going back to school multiply.

The lists will be your best allies. Make lists for everything and so you will have everything pointed in one place: from books and backpacks to the buttons of the uniform you have to sew.

Sometimes, the cloud of pending tasks that parents have in mind prevents us from thinking clearly and that is when the misses come. Having everything signed up, it will be easier to remember and cross out the tasks we have already done.

Rearrange schedules

It is one of the most difficult because children used to fall asleep during the summer and now there is no one who puts them to bed at 9.

In these days before the start of classes, try to advance the time to go to bed, even if only 15 minutes, so the next day they will wake up earlier. And so every day so that they gradually approach the school schedule.

A good idea is to advance dinner time. On holidays, with the longest days, we usually have dinner later, but now that school starts, try to do it before.

It is not always easy to get it. The early risers will cost them the first days and will go like zombies to school, but little by little the schedules will adjust.

Plan ahead

A calendar can also be a great ally (I use the mobile with alerts), but I would forget everything.

Write down the beginning of the course meetings, the entrance and exit times, the dining room, the days of extracurricular activities and any other event that you have to remember.

This will allow you plan better and avoid last minute runs, at least until you get used to the new schedules and routines.

Help them adapt

If you have a baby who goes to daycare or school for the first time, it will be essential your support and understanding. You will meet a whole new world that is very likely to cause anxiety, insecurity.

Try to let your child accompany you during the first few days, at least for a couple of hours. The security provided by the parent company will help you better adapt to the nursery school.

But beware, older children, although they no longer cry when you leave them, can also go through a somewhat difficult stage of adaptation. We must also accompany them and pay attention to their attitudes to identify what is happening to them.

Avoid losses

I don't know how we did it, but at home, every morning we had to look for something that had been lost: the backpack, the agenda, the baby, the hat, a glove, a shoe ...

To avoid this, we have made a plan. The previous night, each one counts what he needs to carry the next day (homework, books, coat, whatever) and is responsible for being prepared for the next day.

The smallest had to help her, normal, but also helped her to be more responsible for her things. Something that helped us a lot was to place a trunk and a coat rack in the hall to put backpacks, hats, coats and have everything you need to carry on hand.