How much would be the salary of a mother who stays at home to take care of her children? A father has calculated it

Being a mother is the best job in the world, but it is not recognized as a job to use, as does anyone who leaves in the morning to go to an office.

Have you ever thought how much would be the salary of a mother who stays at home to take care of her children? Steven Nelms, father of a two-year-old boy, conducted an investigation with the help of experts and has calculated it.

The salary of a mother

When they became parents, Steven and his wife Glory shuffled all possible options on caring for the baby. Hiring a person to stay at home with the child was an option outside the reach of his pocket, so they decided that it would be the mother who would stay at home to take care of the child.

To show him how valuable it is for him that she stays at home taking care of her baby, she decided to quantify her work.

In Babies and more Ten things not to say to a mother who does not work to care for her children (I)

He summed it up in a detailed analysis of the tasks his wife does at home:

  • Cleaning service: between 50 to 100 dollars a week.

  • Personal Shopper: $ 65 per hour 4 hours a week.

  • Chef: $ 240 a week.

  • Laundry: $ 25 a week.

  • Assistance tasks: $ 75 an hour.

In total, he calculated that the mother's salary would be around 73,960 dollars a year. In return, some 66,330 euros per year.

I leave Steven's words to his wife about her precious work every day:

"She loves me, loves our son, and loves our family, so obviously she's not doing any of this for a salary or even for her recognition. But, certainly, it doesn't hurt to know that the salary for the job that she appreciates (staying at home) is almost double my real income. So in a very strange way, this is my way of saying how much I value my wife as the mother of my son. You are more than precious rubies And I can't pay you. ”

Should mothers charge for taking care of their children?

Mothers do not take care of our children for a salary, of course. We do it because we love them, because we want the best for them, because if we have the option to do so, we want to be with them and be ourselves, not third parties, who take care of them during their early years.

In Babies and more, it is harder to stay home with children than to go to work, according to a study

I have chosen him after being a mother for the first time. I have looked for ways to work from home and be with her because I could not and did not want to separate to be away from home 10 hours a day. And when we decided to enlarge the family, with more reason. It is a very personal choice, like the decision Armando told us that his wife had taken when she became a mother. Each situation is special and each one balances your options.

What I do believe is that governments, businesses and society in general should support women who care for their children at home. There is no awareness of how important the work of mothers is, both those who work outside, and those who stay at home. Instead of investing in nurseries and children's centers where children can be left so that mothers can go to work, those who decide not to do so should be supported more.

The most difficult and beautiful job in the world

Staying at home is not easy. Nor is going out to work every day and on top of having all that work to do at home. Although we do it with all the love in the world, it is a tired job, no schedules, full availability, and no pay. The most difficult job in the world, they say, but also the most beautiful. The one we choose to do every day, although we don't charge those 66,330 euros that Steven has calculated.