Leave the house impeccable before delivery? How to cope with the nest syndrome without risks

Delivery time is approaching and we can't stop still. It is the nest syndrome, which pushes you to perform tasks that you had not done for a long time. Paint the room, clean the windows, order the closets ... It is not a worrying performance, at least if we do not commit excesses. Let's see how to cope with nest syndrome without risks.

The nest syndrome or instinct is an unstoppable impulse to put the house in order for the arrival of the baby. There are numerous hypotheses to try to explain this impulse, but the point is that we do not want to be affected in such a delicate moment.

  • Do not climb chairs or stairs, since weight gain and changes in its distribution, as well as in the curvature of the back, can make you lose your balance more easily. The point of gravity has changed and the increase in kilos is evident in the third quarter, so it is better not to risk.

  • If you are going to paint the baby's room, remember that there are certain paintings that may contain toxic substances and affect you. Choose approved paints, ecological, natural paints, ceramic paints ... with non-toxic raw materials and with very little smell are the most suitable. You have to ventilate the room well and do not balance: as we said in the previous point, it is better to leave the raised parts of the room for another.

  • When cleaning, pay attention to chemicals (bleach, ammonia, chlorine, pesticides ...). Use gloves and a mask if you are going to handle any of these products and ventilate the house well.

  • Do not do activities that involve standing for a long time or that require a lot of energy expenditure. Take the necessary breaks. Remember that you have to save your strength for the great moment of childbirth that is coming and it is not convenient to arrive exhausted.

  • Don't drag large furniture or lift a lot of weight, since it is contraindicated and you could suffer an injury. Apply the advice for a good posture in pregnancy that avoid muscular tensions or intense efforts, paying special attention to the back, which suffers a lot in the final stretch of pregnancy.

  • In the kitchen, follow the safety regulations to avoid accidents (burns, bumps, cuts ...). You may want to leave prepared food so you don't have to cook after the baby arrives, but let's not forget to prevent the risks.

If you can not help feeling that desire to leave the house impeccable and tidy, follow these tips to cope with nest syndrome without risks and remember, ask for help when necessary and rest whatever the body asks you, without forcing. The world is not over and there will be time to resume those tasks!