A father says that his son's Down syndrome is the best thing that happened to him in life

Canadian illustrator Robb Scott is the father of a 5-year-old boy with Down syndrome and has taught everyone a great lesson in an exciting video that has gone viral. At He says his son's Down Syndrome is the best thing that ever happened to him.

And why has he come out to say this? It happened after hearing another father in a store explain to his son that Down Syndrome was "a disease with which nothing is known." Robb decided to react by recording a video with a moving testimony.

He heard a conversation that he did not like between a father and his son, but at that time he did not intervene. He felt bad about it and later decided to record this video with his opinion and make it public to reach more people. Talk about the ignorance that people have about this condition that often translates as contempt.

Posting this one pic of my sons so people can see who the video was about. For those new to my page who've been a little ...

Posted by Robb Scott on Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Actually, I find it hard to believe that there are parents who give their children that kind of response when talking about illness or disability. How do we intend them to be comprehensive, tolerant and inclusive? We should all watch this video, put ourselves in the shoes of this father and think about it very well before answering our children's questions.