Are mornings hell? Seven tips for your little one to wake up in a good mood

There are children who are really bad early risers. They wake up in a bad mood and mornings at home can become a real hell. If there is more than one in the family with poor awakening, the situation worsens and the beginning of the day becomes a time to forget.

You can help your child make his mornings more bearable, and so will they be for the rest of the family. We give you seven tips for your little one to wake up in a good mood.

  • Procure put him to bed every night at the same time. On weekends it is normal for bedtime to be delayed a little longer, but try not to make big changes. A good rest is essential to make waking up the next morning more pleasant.

  • When it comes to waking your little one, Sneak in and don't turn on the light. Open just a little blinds or curtains so you don't get too much light at once.

  • Wake him up in a soft voice, hugging and caressing him. If the first thing you see when you open your eyes is your smile, you will have a better awakening. You can also play short music or talk about the plans for that day. Music usually works very well in these cases.

  • Give him time to wake up at his own pace, without stress. Some people need a few minutes to adapt to the world. If your child is one of those people, wake him up ten minutes earlier and let him wake up quietly. You can stay with him in bed for that time or prepare breakfast.

  • Do a little clown in the morning It is a good way to let out the bad mood and start the day with joy. Not all children have fun, but it can completely change energy. With trying nothing is lost.

  • Try to make everything flow as harmoniously as possible in the morning. Leave the breakfast table ready the night before, the school bag and the clothes you are going to wear. Thus, you will avoid bad moods due to forgetfulness or unforeseen events.

  • If dressing, brushing your teeth and combing your hair is a struggle, try to make small pacts with him every day. "I put on your socks, but you wear your shoes by yourself." "Come on, I help you with your teeth, but then you comb your hair alone."

We hope these tips help you make your mornings more enjoyable as a family. After all, it is another time to enjoy with the family.

Video: My Week From Hell and Why Problems Can Be A Good Thing - Mornings With Martin Ep. 8 (July 2024).