How to explain to children the situation of refugees in the world? World Refugee Day

Do not, there are no magic formulas to educate Thus, in general and when the issue is complicated as is the case, even less, but that is why we must stop facing it.

May our children live in a bubble in which reality does not affect them, that they completely ignore the less friendly side of life, not an acceptable option for many parents who prefer to give tools and explanations to their children, appropriate for their age, so that they understand and draw their own conclusions.

How to explain to children the situation of refugees in the world? It is a question we ask ourselves many times, many parents.

Today is the International Refugee Day and we have collected some initiatives and information on the subject that may help us.

The United Nations Refugee Agency has marked for years, June 20 as World Refugee Day, in an attempt to send a message to governments that must work together and do their part on this complicated issue.

This year, the request will also be through social networks so that everyone who wishes to do so shows #ConLosRefugiados

But ... how to explain this to our children?

Hard reality

Some international organizations and NGOs in the field point out that We are living the worst humanitarian success in Europe since World War II.

Because every eight minutes there are eight people in the world who abandon the life they knew until then to flee a war, a persecution, to flee the terror. People who need shelter are a priority for NGOs.

Refugees, asylum seekers, displaced within their own country, stateless persons. The circumstances of each are very different and everyone needs the collaboration and help of institutions and NGOs, in order to become returnees or returnees who manage to return home when the conflict that expelled them from it has been resolved.

Educate for peace

It is inevitable that our children will come across an image on television, listen to a message on the radio or read some information in the press on paper or in digital media, or simply listen to us talking about this tremendous reality.

Awareness groups have been created in different provinces and municipalities, some from refugee assistance groups, which are dedicated to explaining the war in Syria and the drama of refugees in primary schools, secondary schools, in libraries and associations of different types.

Even the volunteers who have gone to work in the field, assume that when they return to their country of origin, the task they have left is to disclose what that NGO is doing and why it is doing it, or what it is doing. is the same: Who are the refugees? What are they running from? Why are they running away? What are the governments of the world doing to help them? How are they different from us?

Know, empathize, act

The answers they have found in schools are very positive because the children do not have prejudices and see as equal those other children who appear on television. That generates doubts but also It makes them understand explanations better and leads them to empathize, to take sides, to put on the skin of that other child who lives in a tent waiting for someone's help.

In the more than four years of war The population of Syria is behind them, they have been more than four million people who have left the country, men, women and children and more than eight million have been forced to move because of the war.

Do not, our children are not different from the children we see fleeing war, as it is not easy to explain to our children what a war is but perhaps not knowing it beyond movies or cartoons, is not the solution for the future so that situations as heartbreaking as the current one, will never happen again.

Photos | Save the Children
In Babies and more | A photo that crushes our hearts: the nameless baby drowned in the sea shows the raw reality of refugees | NGOs denounce Greece's new situation on the drama of refugees | A photo that moves us: the innocence and greatness of childhood in the refugee crisis

Video: World Refugee day: Refugees in Nigeria call on UN to help resettle them (May 2024).