For the Prime Minister of Canada, raising feminist sons and daughters is a necessity to achieve equality

Some people fear or repair using the term "feminist" to define themselves, the opposite happens to the Canadian Prime Minister.

In the World Economic Forum in Switzerland it has been very clear about it: Raising feminist sons and daughters is fundamental if we want the next generations to feel that gender equality is something real and tangible in their day to day life.

Justin Trudeau is the prime minister of Canada after winning the last elections in his country with his party by absolute majority in October of last year.

Gender equality is one of the flags of his government, a cabinet that has the same number of men as women.

He defines himself as a feminist person, without fear or prejudice towards the word and the concept, a feminist who works for women and men to have the same rights, the same obligations, the same benefits and the same treatment.

Talk about the importance of what we do in our homes to change the situation of millions of people, hence the importance of raising feminist sons and daughters to change the situation of their jobs as adults.

Defining yourself in these terms when you are a legislator of a country like Canada is brave and infrequent although it is still necessary to open the minds of many who seem to be more afraid of the term "feminism" than the prevailing machismo in our society.

Video: Gender equality in the OSCE area. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada (July 2024).