It also happens to celebrities: Adele confesses that she went through a terrible postpartum depression

Adele had her son Angelo in 2012, who changed her priorities forever. He recently reported that he was leaving the big tours to devote himself to his family and was one of the strongest personalities when talking about breastfeeding. He believes that the pressure on women to breastfeed is fucking ridiculous. Perhaps this had something to do with how he felt in his new role as a mother, because in an interview for the December issue of Vanity Fair magazine confesses that he went through a terrible postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression is an invisible disease, often underestimated, that affects in different grades between 10 and 25% of recent mothers. But many times it is difficult to recognize and much more ask for help, so it is essential that the woman has professional and family support after the arrival of the baby.

"I felt that I had made the worst decision of my life"

“I had a terrible postpartum depression and that scared me. I had the feeling that I had made the worst decision of my life ”

After childbirth, not only physical changes occur, but important changes in the mother's emotional state. When a woman becomes a mother she is supposed to feel full and happy. They say it's the best thing that can happen to you in life, however you feel sad and unable to take care of that little person who depends on you 24 hours a day.

There are many recent mothers who experience feelings of discomfort, irritability, melancholy or anxiety in the first days after delivery, it is what is known as "baby blues", "maternity blues" or melancholy after childbirth. It is a term included in the psychology manuals that usually lasts a few days, but that if extended in time, can become a postpartum depression.

It must be very hard for a recent mother to think that becoming a mother is the worst decision she has ever made in your life. But it is tremendously sincere and brave that a public character like Adele make this confession, since there are many women who go through a deep depression as mothers. That absurd social stigma of being a "bad mother" brings hand feelings like guilt and frustration, further increasing the symptoms of depression.

Postpartum depression affected him so much that he made the decision to not have more children. His partner has a daughter from another marriage that is part of their lives, so Angelo already has a sister, says the 28-year-old singer.

Detect it on time

Postpartum depression can be prevented if detected early. The problem is that many of its symptoms are confused with the typical symptoms that any woman who has just become a mother goes through as fatigue, insomnia, lack of appetite or lack of energy. However, there are other more specific signs that could indicate that you are suffering from postpartum depression, such as:

  • You cannot leave the state in which you are: do you feel overcome by the situation and as the days go by you don't find a way out.

  • You isolate yourself from your surroundings: Do not tell anyone, you feel withdrawn and little or nothing communicative. You don't share what you feel with anyone and start disconnecting from your surroundings.

  • You have negative feelings about motherhood and the newborn: When asked about your motherhood, only negative feelings arise.

  • Do not connect with your baby: Not all women feel that love at first sight. Maternal instinct is not something instantaneous, but if time passes and you don't find emotional connection with your baby, it is symptoms that something is not going well.

  • You have crisis of anguish or spontaneous crying, thoughts and feelings of worthlessness, undervaluation or guilt and loss of interest in almost all activities, including those related to your baby.

If you feel these symptoms, you should not feel guilty. Remember that you are not alone and ask your closest people for help. He support from family and friends It is essential to prevent or overcome postpartum depression. Turn to them to take care of the baby for a while while you do other things, to help you with household chores, prepare food or stay with the baby so you can go for coffee with a friend. Talk about your feelings, try to be accompanied and find moments for yourself.

Video: Adele wants to quit a dirty habit as she reveals gross lengths she went to for her son (July 2024).