He had no choice but to take his children to an exam and upon leaving this scene he found his teacher

Many times parents find ourselves in difficult predicaments, situations that require a quick decision regardless of the consequences. For example, when we have an important date, we have no one to leave the children with and we decide to take them with us.

This is what happened to Monica Willard, a single mother and student the day she had to take her final exam of the military career. He could not miss but, the babysitter failed him at the last moment, so he decided to take his children, a girl and a girl of four and five years to the campus of the University of Louisville. Upon exiting the exam a scene was found that was not expected.

Upon arrival he left the children in a university hallway with the computer to entertain themselves while she was doing the test. However, a few minutes later they started fighting for the laptop.

When Dr. Daniel Krebs, the mother's history teacher, suddenly appeared to entertain the children so that their student could finish the quiet exam.

Victoria Henry, one of her students, who was passing by, saw the scene and took this picture that she shared on her Facebook profile so everyone would know the human quality of the teacher.

Being a single mother of two children and studying to take a career forward is not easy in these times. So it is appreciated that there are professors with empathy who support mothers.

Video: Student Vs. Teacher 2019 (July 2024).