Want to see how breast milk is up close? They have recorded it on video through the microscope

You already know that a picture is worth a thousand words, so a video should be worth a lot more. When we talk about breast milk we are talking about a living tissue. Tissue, because it is formed of cells, and alive, because they are living cells with their mission each of them.

Yesterday, a mother decided to see what her breast milk looked like under a microscope and took the opportunity to record the event. Once done, he posted it on Facebook where it has gone viral, because we can finally see everyone breast milk closely.

A lot of living cells ...

What you see in the video is a drop of breast milk from Jansen Howard, who decided to use his father's microscope (he works by analyzing blood samples) to see what the milk he was giving his baby was like.

In Babies and more The composition of breast milk at each stage of growth: this adapts to the needs of the baby

Pleasant and totally excited, she shared the video explaining that this was the liquid gold we know as breastfeeding, on the move. Your milk, live and changing for your baby's needs at all times, to the point of changing even if a child is sick.

... floating in water

It is not just water, of course, but water is the main part of the composition of breast milk (so it is not necessary to give water to babies until at least six months). Bacteria, immunoglobulins, enzymes, proteins, minerals, vitamins and all the components that breast milk has, many whose functions are yet to be discovered, float in liquid to become the most nutritious and logical food for the baby.

And not only for all babies, but especially for each specific baby. A baby, a type of milk. For each baby, her milk, that of her mother.

That the whole world understands

And not to pressure mothers who do not want, or those who cannot breastfeed. The whole world must understand that the normal and logical food for a baby is breast milk. You should understand it that way because breastfeeding should be promoted and protected.

In Babies and more Breast milk is "smart"

Yes, of course everyone promotes it as the best, but at the moment of truth the myths are still alive, and prejudices still exist. But not only that (many women are saved, fortunately, from erroneous opinions about it): it still exists the ignorance of many professionals that, when there are problems, not only do they not help, but sometimes they give solutions that accelerate the failure of breastfeeding.

That is why, once again, I want to make a public appeal to all my healthcare partners: moms need us. Recycling, training and learning to help them is our obligation.