When you accompany your partner in childbirth and have not seen a baby born in your life

The reaction of couples when giving birth can be of many types. Most, I believe, get excited and we are amazed at a unique moment: the birth of a living being.

However, there are those who live it differently: they get dizzy, prefer not to be present, or as in the case of this young man, he is surprised and scared as if something terrible were happening, or as if what you are seeing seems impossible.

A wide range of emotions

It happened in a reality show from Holland, and the young man, who He is only 19 years old, he is becoming famous throughout the world as his video is shared.

If you look, in a moment it shows an incredible range of emotions, from disbelief to fear or impression, through the courage to approach to touch it to give it some support, and end up again showing the utmost amazement.

I imagine you should think that giving birth should be like splitting in two or something, because as expressed in the title, it is clear that has not seen a baby born in his life.

And all to discover that he is not the father?

The truth is that in Breaking News, where we have shared the video, there is not too much data about the couple. They do not explain their history, although an important detail: in the description they say that after the scene, after living the birth with such passion and anxiety, the young man discovers that the baby is not his.

Just say one thing about it: I don't want to imagine how he lived such news.