Father's Day: Today I just want kisses and hugs

Five days ago it was my birthday, and today is the Father's day here in Spain, so my children have been a little pressured for a few days because of what dad has to congratulate him twice, and give him something twice. Especially Aran, the middle one, who did a week ago and showed me that concern: "Dad, I would like to give you something. But I do not know what you want, and I have no money."

"Do you know what I would love? That you would give me a huge hug and a huge kiss too. I don't need anything else, and that makes me very happy. "But he was a little out of place, and we had to talk for a while.

Aran and his inner world

Aran is eight years old and, although of the three he is the most "echao p'alante", the most sociable, the most thug too, and the one who more problems has given us in many ways, is the most empathetic, the most sensitive to others and the most affectionate.

What happens is that he often keeps all these characteristics in a huge inner world that he only shows from time to time, when he feels he can be himself. Meanwhile, try to stand out, try to be recognized, try to win people's sympathy with their grace, sympathy and verbiage, and sometimes with debatable choices (that of being carried away); and he succeeds: he is tremendously loved by many people.

But he still thinks he's not the biggest, who didn't come first and didn't have a few years of exclusivity with dad and mom; Y keep thinking it's not the little one, who came to the end to always be "the little one". He stayed there in the middle, and when he was only three years old he already had a little brother who needed a lot of attention from dad and mom.

And sometimes he thinks, feels, that it has hurt him, and that we love him less for it. And my soul breaks, of course. Therefore, when he asked me that question, I told him clearly: There is nothing I want more than your kisses and your hugs.

Today, when I arrive, I just want your kisses and your hugs

I've spent the weekend in Rodrigo City, a beautiful city where I met magnificent people, because yesterday I gave a talk entitled "Being a father with common sense" (From time to time, from my page, I teach workshops and call me to give talks for mothers and fathers). And this afternoon I will be with them again.

I don't know if when they arrive they will have bought me something, or they will have done something to me with their hands, but what I wanted to make clear the other day is that I did not need to worry too much about it, because giving away is something you can do any day , if you feel it, and not only the indicated days.

- But dad, I can give you a kiss and a hug every day. It is not something special.
- For me yes, Aran. For me it is very special, because it charges my batteries (so many times I have told him this that when he hugs me he says that energy is happening to me).
- Yes, but we could still buy you something. Gifts are bought.
- If you see something that you think I might like, okay, talk to mom. But you can also do something with your hands: it is not necessary that everything given is bought. But hey, it's not necessary either; I want you to know that for me, the most important thing is to feel that you love me very much. And although every day you can give me kisses and hugs, with that I am the happiest man in the world.

Happy Father's Day to all parents. I hope that today you receive many kisses and many hugs, that you squeeze them tightly between your arms, close your eyes, do not let go in a while and feel it. Those hugs that provoke sighs, when you inspire to stay even with its smell trying to memorize it to never forget it.

There is nothing in the world better than that.