Six great advantages of being a mother after 35

In developed countries, women become mothers at increasingly advanced ages. The causes of this phenomenon are a set of factors related to lifestyle that have been delaying the age of being a mother in recent years. According to data from the INE (National Institute of Statistics), in Spain the average age of first-time mothers is 32.2 years and 30% of women have their first child with more than 35 years.

Without a doubt, maternal age is an influential factor in the development of children. The maturity with which women face maternity evidently has an impact on the upbringing of their children and their future life. We mention six great advantages of being a mother after 35.

While getting pregnant at an advanced age is twice as difficult and is related to greater risks in pregnancy and childbirth, today, thanks to regular medical check-ups and a healthy pregnancy, many women have their first child past 35 without any complications.

There is also many advantages of being a mother at 35, when the woman has reached a certain work and socioeconomic stability that encourages her to live the experience of motherhood. These are some:

Improve mental abilities

There are several studies that relate advanced maternal age with a improvement of mental abilities. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, women who have their first child after age 35 get better results on tests of mental acuity, problem solving and verbal abilities.

One of the reasons could be because the increase in hormones that occurs during pregnancy could affect the chemistry of the brain, and the older the mother, the longer these changes in her brain will last. This translates into better cognitive function in advanced ages.

They punish children less

But the benefits are not only for them, but also for the children and the way in which they will be educated. A new study on almost 5,000 mothers in Denmark, published in a recent issue of the European Journal of Developmental Psychology, has found that Older mothers are less likely to shout at their children and impose severe punishments, and that children are less likely to have social, emotional and behavioral problems.

When checking on above in children of mothers with ages of 7, 11 and 15. It was found that children of older mothers have fewer social, emotional and behavioral problems at the ages of 7 and 11, but not by 15. Also age noted that older mothers were less likely to scold and discipline their children.

They have a better economic situation

At these ages, women often have a better economic situation and a consolidated employment situation. The economic stability it allows to face the raising of the children with greater tranquility.

They are more mature

Psychological maturity is an advantage in itself. There are fathers and mothers who have had children in their twenties and have had them again in their forties and say that the difference is very noticeable. They prioritize really important concerns and avoid those that are not so important

They become more flexible and tolerant, generating a positive and less structured environment, which leads to a healthier and happier upbringing.

They lead a healthier life

Generally, at advanced ages, women are more aware of healthy nutrition. They are more careful with the diet, care more about the quality of food they consume, and this has an impact on better feeding of the children.

They have greater self-confidence

In turn, they have a more positive perception of their body, they know each other better and more confidence in the decisions they make. This security also affects the coherence when it comes to educating children. It does not mean that younger women do not have it, but obviously life experience contributes to making better decisions for our children.

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