When the children finally sleep, turn off the phones

In Babies and more We have commented more than once that the use of smartphones is damaging relations between parents and children, because being pending on the screen we are no longer available to our children, despite being together.

Now we give a twist to the subject, to talk about the use of mobile phones at night, already in bed, when we have our partner next door doing exactly the same, in an act that could be very harmful for two: When the children finally sleep, turn off the cell phones.

Destroying couples

It is likely that after baths, dinners, pick up the kitchen and prepare the next day, and when the children have already fallen asleep, you turn on the mobile to see the pending messages, the mails and even see what novelties are cooked in the social networks: You have been a good time without looking at the mobile!

However, it is also likely that after all this you also carry a good time without talking to your partner of something other than the organization of the house, what to buy, fix or do.

And maybe that's why in the magazine No Shit, Sherlock, according to Fatherly, published an article warning of how dangerous the use of mobile could be in those moments when couples are together and alone.

"We hardly speak anymore"

And it is that moments to see the mobile, during the day, there are many, even when the two members of the couple are together. The problem, when you add children to the equation, is that everything cannot be done, and someone (or something) resents: or children, or mobile, or your partner.

According to the aforementioned article, after surveys conducted by researchers at Baylor University, 453 adults conclude that using the mobile phone ignoring the couple can reach to ruin a relationship.

In the case of couples without children, for the lack of attention, for that of "Who are you talking to," "You pay more attention to the cell phone than me," "Land calling Mary, land that I am here," or even arriving to the point of finishing writing a WhatsApp so that the other person finally "listens to you".

If we talk about couples with children, because the time of night, together in bed, can become the only one they are in together, side by side, without doing anything else, and being able to talk.

Alone is something else, because it is very possible that there is a child sharing a room or even bed, especially if they are small. But this does not mean that you can get to sleep before and that they can talk, or even sleep while they share what they have done that day, what they hope to do, some curious anecdote, etc.

In Babies and more We are parents, but also a couple: how to keep love alive when we have children

Share a "quality" time

The grace of the moment, of that moment, which can sometimes be a few minutes until one of the two begins to drool completely unconscious (some arrive in bed with a lot of accumulated sleep), is to share a moment of dialogue of the so-called "quality".

Something like what we just mentioned: anecdotes, medium or long term plans to do as a family, together; talk about something that worries the other, ask for an opinion about something ... in short, continue to build a relationship based on each other, as they did long ago.

I say this because if the time of being together in bed is going to become "We have to go buy soap from the washing machine, which is not left", "Remember that we have to paint the hall" or "We have to talk about whether it comes or not to eat my mother on Saturday ", you run the risk of preferring to look at the mobile ... of those things it is better to talk at another time, if it can be, when between the two they can go planning the day-to-day tasks, and leave that those moments of the night have something special, something from that time when you would have given anything to hear his voice for a few more seconds, because you still did not live together, when you meet every afternoon butterflies were running through your stomach.

Something of that. Not even a few seconds. Not even one day.