She becomes pregnant with her partner while pregnantly surrogate another couple's baby

The theme of the Surrogate motherhood or rent belly (or pregnant woman for rent) is one of the most controversial in our current society for all that entails. While some countries allow it, others forbid it, such as Spain (although some political party has already dropped the intention to legalize it), and while some people find it necessary now that many couples have difficulty being parents, others It seems to them the clear demonstration of how far commodification and abuse of the female body can go.

One of the most incredible things about the matter is that nature can do unthinkable things, causing unexpected situations that require an ethical and moral adaptation to these new circumstances. If a few months ago we told you that a gay couple ran out of their baby because the biological father was the woman's partner, today we explain a case of superfetation: she became pregnant with her husband while she was gestating another couple's baby.

As we read in La Opinion of Poza Rica, it happened in California, where a woman, mother, two children, agreed to be the surrogate mother of a couple of Chinese origin, in exchange for $ 30,000.

All good, until a second baby appeared

Everything was going as planned until, in the sixth week of gestation, an ultrasound showed that there was not one, but two babies. At first they thought it was twins, but at birth they saw that what had happened was what is known as superfetation: when a woman, already pregnant, returns to ovulate and that egg is also fertilized. That is, two pregnancies of different gestation time at the same time.

Although the couple says they used a condom when having sex, the day the woman gave birth two babies of two couples were born.

And after that all the questions come, of course: What did the contracting couple say when they discovered that they were not twins and that one of the babies was not theirs? What did they feel? What did the mother and her husband feel when they saw their third child born, accompanied by a baby they will never recognize as their own? What did the woman feel when she gave birth to two babies she had felt inside, to give one of them to another couple? What did the babies feel having shared space and contact for so many months, to be finally separated? What did the baby of the Chinese couple feel, separated from the woman who managed it?

These and other questions are what make us think that the debate on surrogacy has many points of view, many unanswered questions, and that there is still much to talk about it. Do not you think?