The impressive story of a mother who gave birth while driving to the emergency room

There is a very famous phrase about natural births that is very true and accurate: the baby decides when to be born. Sometimes we can have a probable due date and be ready to receive it, but in the end, who usually has the last word is the baby.

Proof of this is the story of a mother, who she started labor in the middle of the night, but her baby didn't want to wait any longer and gave birth while she rushed to the emergency room.

Shannon Geise was 39 weeks pregnant with her fifth baby when she went to a routine medical check-up. The doctor told her that both she and the baby were very well and asked if she wanted to have her labor induced, to which she said no, because she preferred to wait another week. What he didn't imagine was that his baby, whom Sebastian called, I would be ready to be born that same night.

That same night, after bedding Olivia, his 17-month-old daughter, he called his other two children, who were spending the night at his father's house. During the day he had had small contractions, but she knew that these were false contractions, so went to sleep peacefully.

At midnight, he was awakened by a strong contraction, so he got out of bed to go to the bathroom, but when he did this he broke waters. He thought of calling the father, but In less than 30 minutes, he began to feel the strong labor contractions, so he knew there would be no time to wait for anyone else.

So he took his things, put his daughter Olivia in his car seat, put a movie to distract her and left immediately for the hospital. He was halfway when he felt that the contractions were increasingly intense and long. He felt that his baby was moving a lot and then he knew that he would not reach the hospital.

He rimmed and parked his car and after a long and strong contraction, Sebastian's head came out. He tried to remain silent so as not to scare Olivia and began to push until his baby's entire body came out. He took it in his arms and began rubbing his back because he was still and not crying. Finally, her baby started crying and immediately called the emergency department to ask for help.

He explained to the operator that he had just given birth to his baby in the car on the way to the hospital and was told that they would send an ambulance but Shannon thought it would take longer, so he asked them to notify the hospital staff, because they already I was close.

He continued driving very carefully and with his baby in one arm until he arrived at the hospital but there was no one outside, so he started to play the horn and a nurse came out to see what was happening. After Shannon explained, the nurse returned with a wheelchair and minutes later they admitted her to the hospital, where she was able to cut her baby's umbilical cord.

Today both Shannon and little Sebastian are healthy and happy. This is one more of the incredible stories of babies who couldn't wait any longer and were born in the car on the way to the hospital. There is no doubt that although we prepare, when the baby is ready to be born, it is he who decides.

Video: Truck Drivers' Stop for Dinner Turns into Emergency Delivery (July 2024).