"Wonder", the movie that teaches us to look beyond physical appearance

The American movie Wonder has just arrived in Spanish cinemas, a history of bullying, acceptance and integration based on the youth novel "The Lesson of August", by the writer Raquel Palacio.

The film tells the story of August Pullman, a ten-year-old boy with a facial malformation that after spending his entire life at home, must face school and social rejection for the first time by some of his classmates.

August Pullman is a ten-year-old boy born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a rare genetic disease characterized by craniofacial malformations. Throughout his life, August has been educated at home until he faces, for the first time, the challenge of going to school.

The film tells how the little one tries to fit among his classmates, but how some of them despise him and turn aside for considering him different. A story with bullying and discrimination as a backdrop that will undoubtedly make us reflect, suffer and get excited.

Tape It is cataloged for all audiences and after watching the trailer with my oldest son, I would very much like to see her with him. I think the film conveys a powerful message that can help parents to start or deepen with our children issues such as respect for others, bullying and acceptance of differences.

A story about bullying and overcoming

According to ABC newspaper, in some schools in Spain and the rest of the world the novel that inspired this film is being used to make bullying visible and its consequences. And unfortunately, bullying is not something we only see in the cinema or whose problem we should minimize, but quite the opposite.

Bullying is a very serious issue, and in recent years it has spread like wildfire in schools and institutes around the world. Often we get terrible news with children involved, and even with outcomes that make the hair stand on end.

"Bullying is a very complicated issue. I have three children and I encourage anyone who is teased to tell an adult, we must not keep it a secret. That is the first step in solving the problem" - explains the leading actress, Julia Roberts

Not long ago we told you the story of little Harry who was born with a facial malformation and whose parallelism with this movie is sure to be surprising. His mother, Charlene Beswick, wrote a book about his life, full of obstacles but also of effort, courage and self-improvement.

I think One of the things that we must instill in our children since they have reason is to respect others and to look beyond simple physical appearance. Because, in a way, we are all different and educating in values ​​will contribute to making this world a better place.

And you, have you seen Wonder? What opinion do you deserve the movie?

  • In Espinof Trailer of 'Wonder': ññería and moralina with Julia Roberts and a deformed Jacob Tremblay

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