The curious story of two friends who met at the nursery and who years later shared pregnancies and due date

If you have a good friend, a friend of those you would call "of the soul", surely you have ever fantasized about living your lives almost parallel, having children at the same time and that these are, in turn, the best friends.

This is what happened to Nicole and Alice, two friends who met at the nursery and whose lives have been plagued by so many coincidences and situations resulting from chance that are even surprising!

They shared first pregnancy and due date

Alice and Nicole met at the nursery 26 years ago and since then they have been best friends. They lived their childhood together and as they grew older they dreamed of being able to live their lives in parallel, always side by side.

Both decided at the same time that it was time to start a family, although neither confessed to the other his intention. So when Alice called Nicole to tell her she was pregnant, Nicole was surprised because a few days ago she had also learned that she was expecting a baby, although it took a little longer to confess the news to her friend.

Curious thing about both pregnancies is that they occurred the same day and both friends left accounts on the same date. The day arrived, and since neither of them had given birth spontaneously, their respective doctors programmed them induction. To each one in a different hospital but the same day.

During labor both women were connected through their mobile phones, sending messages of encouragement and telling how their deliveries were progressing.

Alice was the first to give birth to Charlotte, a girl whom she photographed immediately to show her friend Nicole through a message on her cell phone. Five hours later Nicole's baby was born, a boy named AJ.

Having their babies on the same day was not only a precious coincidence for these great friends but also led them to create an even stronger bond if possible, leaning on each other during postpartum or when parenting days were uphill.

They were called, advice was given or messages were sent late in the morning giving encouragement to overcome the sleepless nights. Both confess to Pop Sugar that thanks to the support of the other they have remained strong in the most difficult days of motherhood.

Now they are pregnant again

When Charlotte and AJ turned two, their mothers decided to expand the family although this time who first became pregnant was Alice. However, ALice's second pregnancy did not prosper and the woman suffered an abortion in summer.

Nicole was Alice's great support during that time, helping her to overcome and taking care of her with great affection. Therefore, when Nicole became pregnant, she first told the news to her friend. He wished this new pregnancy would encourage him to move on.

But what was her surprise when Alice confessed to Nicole that she thought she was too, although she hadn't checked it yet through a pregnancy test. Nicole encouraged him to get tested while talking on the phone and The result, positive, was met by both friends at the same time.

Neither of them gave credit to what they were living. It had already been a great coincidence to live her first pregnancy at the same time and give birth on the same day, but repeating it again seemed incredible.

But the coincidences have not been there because days later, their respective doctors confirmed that the probation date was again the same. "Everything happens for a reason", Alice confessed to Pop Sugar.

Both moms prepare excited for the arrival of their children while they ask, excited, if for the second time fate will want them to share a birthday date again.
  • IStock photos

  • Via Pop Sugar

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