Be careful what we download: a mother shares a disturbing video of a violent application that appears to be for children

With the advances in technology and the creation of new applications every day, many parents now allow their children to download applications designed for them, many of them educational or songs, which together with a responsible use of the screens and controlled times in front of them, It can be a harmless activity. But what if it isn't?

A mother has shared a video in which she shows an application that seemed focused on children, but it actually contains violent messages, among which he tells the children that he will stab them.

Donna Lisle was very early one morning at home getting her children ready to go to school, when she told her daughter that they could download an application for them together on their tablet. Because one of his children likes it a lot Blaze and the Monster Machines, a children's program about cars, They downloaded the official application and others that were related and indicated to be suitable for their ages.

A few minutes, while Donna was in the next room getting her daughter's things ready, He heard a very strange voice threatening his daughter. The application pretended to be one in which you could "call" the characters of the child cartoon that your child likes, but in reality, it is something very disturbing.

To alert other parents about this, Donna posted a video on her Facebook account, accompanied by a warning: this is not a joke. In it we can see how the strange voice begins with what seems to be an innocent conversation, until it threatens to stab the children who are listening to it.

The application they downloaded is one that it's not the official of the program that your children like, but it is based on the characters and appeared as suitable for three year olds. Derived from this bad experience, Donna began to review the applications available for download on Android, and found that there are many other similar, based on popular characters from children's shows.

Thanks to Donna's video going viral, both Google and Apple have removed from their respective app stores all those that are similar to the one he discovered first. Many people criticized her for allowing her children to use her tablet, to which she replied that although she knew that would happen, cared more to warn other parents to protect more children.

Finally, Donna made a call to all parents, so that even if they are aware of the time their children spend with a tablet or the time they spend in front of them, they also make sure to check each application they download, because in their case, the application was downloaded by her because it was classified as suitable for three year olds.

Let's not trust

Some time ago we told you about some deceptive videos that appeared on YouTube, which they pretended to be episodes of many popular children's shows like Peppa Pig or Paw Patrol, but in reality, they were violent in content, where some characters kill others and evil laughs are heard. Definitely something that is not appropriate for young children and that can greatly affect them.

Why would someone do something like that? We do not know or understand, but precisely because of that, we must always be attentive to what our children look at and never trust any application or video just because the characters appear in children's screenshots or movies, since the content can be very different from what it seems.

Personally, I am not in favor of buying a tablet from the children, nor of lending them my own unless it is necessary, because of course I have done it occasionally, I will not lie either, but I only allow you to see Netflix Kids or put the children's songs you like in Spotify, Y always at your side and watching everything you see and hear.

Remember that before downloading any child application we must take into account a series of measures, how to review your reviews, find information about it, read the description and its privacy policies in detail, as well as completely avoiding the use of social networks by children.