Consuming probiotics and omega 3 in pregnancy and breastfeeding may reduce the risk of allergies

As we know, the mother's diet during pregnancy influences the baby's health, and even helps in the future, the baby has a less risk of suffering certain diseases or health problems.

Now, an analysis of multiple studies, has found that the consumption of omega 3 probiotics and supplements during pregnancy and lactation, it could help reduce the risk of food allergies and eczema in early childhood.

This conclusion was reached by a group of researchers after reviewing hundreds of studies, including 19 of them with strong evidence that probiotics taken after the 36th week of pregnancy and during the first months of breastfeeding, were associated with a 22% lower probability of suffering from childhood eczema.

Another discovery they found when doing this great analysis, were six studies that showed that women who had consumed omega 3 fatty acid supplements during pregnancy and lactation, they helped reduce the risk that their children had an allergic reaction to the egg - one of the most common food allergies - by up to 31%.

Similarly, they concluded that there is no evidence that avoiding certain foods or taking prenatal vitamins has any effect on food allergies or eczema during childhood.

This study not only confirms the benefits of probiotics to reduce the chances of suffering from eczema, but also adds to the list one more of the benefits of omega 3 in pregnancy, among which are the improvement of cognitive function and Neurological of the baby, as well as the decrease in the probability of suffering from asthma.

It is important to mention and remember that during pregnancy you must follow the care and feeding instructions provided by your doctor, because each pregnancy is unique.

Video: Fish oil and probiotic supplements in pregnancy may reduce allergy risk (May 2024).