The chairs with counterdrive are safe also in case of rear impact

The child restraint systems oriented in the opposite direction to travel They are the safest way to travel, and this is recommended by the DGT up to a minimum of four years, and even longer as long as the child's weight and height allow.

It is known that in the event of a frontal or lateral collision, this type of chair reduces the risk of injury by up to 80 percent, but many parents wonder if they are equally safe in case of a back stroke. Researchers at the Wexner Medical Center at the University of Ohio have been working on this hypothesis, and the results have been published in the scientific and engineering journal, SAE International.

It is the safest SRI for any impact

The back-seat chairs have proven to be the safest child restraint system (SRI) in the event of a frontal or lateral collision between vehicles, but many people have expressed doubts about their effectiveness in the event of rear impacts ( which account for 25 percent of car accidents).

Therefore, the Wexner Medical Center of the University of Ohio, together with the Children's Injury Prevention Studies Center of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, has conducted a study in which rear-end collision tests have been carried out with multiple back-facing chairs. , where the response and effectiveness of both the bow and the roll leg have also been analyzed.

Research has shown that, as long as the chairs are installed correctly, countermarking systems remain the safest option for travel, also in the event of rear impact. In Babies and more The American Academy of Pediatrics updates its recommendations: up to 4 years

"Although in cases of rear-end collision, the child who travels in a back-up chair is looking in the direction of impact, these types of child restraint systems continue to do their job, and their different characteristics and mechanisms effectively absorb impact energy while protecting the child "- said Julie Mansfield, lead author of the study and engineer at the Institute of Injury Research and Biomechanics of Ohio.

Mansfield recalled the importance of correctly installing the chair in the vehicle to fulfill its safety function, in addition to following the manufacturer's instructions on the recommended maximum height and weight.

"Back-facing chairs help support the child's head, neck and spine and protect the most sensitive parts of his body well. Newborns and younger children are especially vulnerable, as their spine and vertebrae have not merged and fully developed "

It is therefore proven, once again, that Counterchairs are the safest child restraint systems for traveling, and that installed and used correctly absorb the impact effectively and protect the child from any type of collision.

In Babies and more Traveling backwards reduces the risk of serious injury by accident by 90 percent

Photos | iStock

In Babies and More Chairs to countermarking: the safest child restraint systems for traveling, Traveling against the counter is safer, Why children should go in the car backwards until at least 4 years, Turn it over: why children have to go in the car backwards

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