Seven tricks to take care of clothes if we have a newborn baby

The saying goes that a baby is born with a bread under the arm ... but also with countless laundry ahead. To be able to face this task without losing patience, run out of clean molts or spoil delicate garments, we are going to give you some simple tricks that will turn the newborn's laundry into a much more bearable task. If you have a washing machine like Samsung QuickDrive, it will be even faster, because it reduces washing time up to 50%, and cheaper, since it saves up to 20% of energy consumption.

Everything to wash!

At birth, the baby's skin still does not generate enough body fat, so it does not have protective barriers. Because of this, the newborn is more exposed to irritations or even allergic reactions that do not seem to affect adults.

Therefore, whether you have decided to buy everything new or if you find new clothes and inherited clothes, the best thing is to wash everything well before putting it on for the first time. In this way you will prevent any type of residue, dust, fibers, stains or other unused clothing from coming into contact with the newborn.

Baby clothes, better separately

During the first months of your baby's life, it is recommended that you wash your clothes separately, with neutral soap, without softeners and following the advice given on the label. This is important when avoiding possible contact with the extreme dirt of adult clothing or harmful elements that may be present in the rest of the garments.

And what is not clothes

These tips should apply not only to baby clothes, but also to everything that comes in contact with him: bed linen, muslin, towels, toquillas, bibs and other textile elements that may be within your reach. For the more delicate garments, with lace or lace, you can use hairnet bags to put in the washing machine. And if yours incorporates an AddWash ™ door, you will have the possibility of adding forgotten items, soaking or requiring rinsing when the wash cycle has already begun.

Soft and safe stuffed animals

Though it is not recommended that newborns come in contact with stuffed animals or dolls that can give off hair or elements that can cause suffocation, it is quite common for the little ones to have a blanket, doudou or muslin Special as a transition element.

To ensure that contact with this type of attachment toys is safe, you must eliminate all ties, labels and items that can scratch or otherwise harm your baby. In addition, you must bear in mind that this object is in constant contact with the skin of the child, so you must wash it more frequently than a normal doll

Soap, neutral

As we have already mentioned, the skin of the newborn is particularly sensitive and reacts to any element or substance that comes into contact with it. In order to avoid that the clothes that you put on him or the garments with which you wear them are an involuntary source of allergens, it is important that the washing is done with least amount of chemicals possible.

Washing should be done in cold water or up to 30º, to prevent garments from suffering at high temperatures. Soap, better neutral and hypoallergenic. There are several brands on the market, including white brands, which offer neutral soaps for washing machine specific to the baby's clothes, with all the guarantees.

Soak the better

It is very important that, in addition to following the washing guidelines of each label, you follow the maximum of “less is more”. The less cleaning products wear on a garment that your baby will wear, best.

This means that under no circumstances should you use softeners or bleach, to avoid possible allergic reactions. If any stain resists, it is better to soak clothes, with neutral soap applied on the stains, before putting it in the washing machine. If the stain does not come out like this, it is better to assess the possibility of discarding the garment before applying bleaching agents that can create skin problems.

Keep for the future

If you want to keep your newborn's clothes for a future little brother, to pass on to another baby or as a souvenir, you must be careful to choose the container where are you going to store it (cardboard boxes, ventilated plastic containers, cabinets ...) and the place in which it will be stored (away from direct light and moisture sources). It is important that you avoid the use of plastic bags (unless you seal them under vacuum) or elements that favor the accumulation of moisture, since mold can be generated.

To select the clothes that you are going to keep and which one should be discarded, it is important that you look at the state of it. It is advisable to discard damaged clothes or those with fixed stains. The clothes you are going to keep it must be clean and, above all, very dry, to prevent it from spoiling over time. Samsung QuickDrive ™ will help you wash it saving time and energy consumption.

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