Better control your emotions will help your children have less behavioral problems

There has been a lot of talk about how the environment in which children develop and grow is influenced by their behavior and development, both cognitive and emotional. In the case of emotions, several studies have found that better management of them helps to avoid attention problems and have better self-esteem.

But how do the mother's emotions influence her children? A new study found that there is a relationship between the ability to control the emotions that mothers had, with the possible behavioral problems of their children. We share your results.

Published in the Family Relations magazine, the study analyzed the relationship that existed between the ability of mothers to control their emotions and to make decisions, with the behavior of their children.

To do this, they reviewed the information of 152 women, whose ages were from 21 to 49 years, and had children between 3 and 7 years. Through questionnaires, the emotional control that mothers had was measured, including questions to know how often they suddenly bothered or overreacted to small problems.

The results of these questionnaires showed that Mothers with greater cognitive and emotional control were less likely to have controlling attitudes in raising their children. And according to this new research, previous studies have found that there is a relationship between severe parenting and children's behavior problems.

Therefore, the researchers' conclusion is that this study confirms that the ability to control their emotions affects the way mothers interact with their children, which could subsequently cause future behavioral problems, such as the famous tantrums.