The seven foods that can not be missing in the diet of children

A correct and balanced diet is essential for the healthy development and growth of children. Remember that eating habits that are established in childhood will have a great impact on your adult life.

As parents, our responsibility is to provide you with the necessary food during your first years, so that you can get all the nutrients you need. We share you what are the foods that can not be missing in the diet of children.

What are the basic food groups?

To know what are the basic foods in the feeding of children we will take as a guide the table of recommended daily rations of foods published in the White Book of Child Nutrition, which can be found on the website of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics.

In her the classified foods appear in the following way:

  • Dairy products
  • Cereals and derivatives
  • Vegetables and vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Protein
  • Olive oil
  • Fatty meats, sausages
  • Fats, sweet, pastries
  • Water

Although sausages and fats are included in the table, it is pointed out that their consumption should be occasional, because as we know, they are not the most recommended, so we will focus on talking about the foods that are recommended to consume daily .

We will tell you a little about each group, the portions or portions recommended for children and also some examples of the food you can give your children so that none of them are missing in their daily diet.

Cereals and derivatives

We start with the group that has the most recommended rations per day. It includes bread, pasta, rice, breakfast cereals and potatoes. It is recommended to consume 4 to 6 servings a day and that these are part of the main meal and not the main course.

In the case of cereals we must avoid the consumption of industrial cereals and opt for healthier options like natural oatmeal and whole grains.

Dairy products

Dairy intake should not be lacking in the children's daily diet, making sure they receive 2 to 4 servings a day. In this group include milk, yogurt, cured cheese and fresh cheese. Within the "White Book of Child Nutrition", they recommend choosing preferably those that are low in fat.

Within this group the food the one that should be given the highest priority is milkWell, it has been proven that yogurts are not really necessary because the milk children drink is usually enough. But if we choose to buy them, let's opt for those without added sugars or flavorings, or make them ourselves at home.

Olive oil

Both for frying and for dressing, olive oil is always the best and healthiest option, so it is recommended to always use it when preparing food. It is recommended to give children 3 to 5 servings of 6 ml per day.


Fruits are another food that can not be missing in your children's diet. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and sugars. It is recommended to consume at least 3 servings of fruit per day. Some of the fruits that children like the most are banana, apple, watermelon, grapes, kiwi, pineapple, mango or melon.

Remember that fruit juices do not replace daily fruit rations and frequent consumption is not even recommended, because they contain a high amount of sugars that could be harmful for children, as they are associated with caries and gastrointestinal problems. The best will always be fresh fruit.

We know that some children are a little fussy when it comes to eating fruit, so we suggest you be a little creative and serve it in a fun way, such as cutting it with shapes, using cookie cutters.

Vegetables and vegetables

Vegetables provide vitamins, minerals and vegetable fiber, which helps to have a good intestinal transit. This particular group is very important and healthy, as they have micronutrients that act as antioxidants, which protect against chronic diseases and maintain the health of tissues such as skin and mucous membranes of the body. It is recommended consume more than two servings of cooked and raw vegetables a day.

And what vegetables can we offer to children? Fortunately there are many options: cucumber, tomato, carrot, cauliflower, broccoli, squash, zucchini, peas, green beans, spinach, lettuce, pepper, chard and the list goes on.

As in the case of fruits, children often do not want to eat vegetables, so we must devise a little to do home marketing and find them more attractive. A good way for the child to become familiar with them and gradually accept them, is to include them in the whole process, from the choice of vegetables, to the preparation to eat them.


This group includes lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes and nuts. It is recommended to consume two servings of protein a day, alternating meat and fish between one day and another, but giving priority to the second.

Some time ago we commented that children consumed more protein than recommended and used to give more protein of animal origin than of vegetable origin. So let's limit the consumption of meat, eggs or fish only once a day and give the second serving of protein through legumes such as beans and lentils.


While water is not a food, yes It is something basic in infant feeding because it is the most appropriate drink for children (and also for adults). You should always give priority over juices, sugary drinks and commercial milkshakes.

Remember that for our children to take healthy habits, we must set the example. Let us also include these in our meals foods that should not be missing in the daily diet of children.

Photos | iStock, Pexels
More information | AEPED - White Paper on Child Nutrition
In Babies and more | Food pyramid for children, baby foods that seem healthy but you should not give your children