Breastfeeding and work

Are you breastfeeding your baby and wonder if you can continue doing it once you start working? Breastfeeding and work They are not incompatible. However, there are mothers who give up breastfeeding when they return to work because they think it is an absolutely impracticable project. And yet it is possible. In fact, it is contemplated by law and even breastfeeding can help make mother's return to work easier for her and her child.

Breast milk is, without a doubt, an excellent food for the baby. Surely, the best, because it comes from the same body that gestured the child and provides it with substances that he needs, in addition to being an excellent immunizer. But, feeding our children is not just feeding them. The tenderness and the degree of intimacy that we share during that special moment will allow our children to better tolerate our absence in case of having to return to work, so adapting to the new situation will be less painful. Whenever possible, try to work part-time during the first six months of your baby, or readjust your schedule in order to give your child more shots. You can also prepare the bottles with your own milk; To do this, you must learn to remove it from your breasts before returning to work. Extract small amounts and watch it in sterilized containers. In the refrigerator it will last 48 hours, but it is convenient that you use it after 24 hours; If you freeze it, it lasts several weeks. No teats mimic the shape of the maternal nipple, but there are very similar ones. If after using it several times you still don't like it, try another one.

Remember that all working mothers have a nursing license. Find out what your country's law says about it.

More information: Frequent doubts about breastfeeding and work

Video: Breastfeeding tips for working moms + Boosting milk supply secret weapon! (July 2024).