Never leave your baby taking the bottle alone

When babies are able to grab the bottle and "feed" themselves, we may be tempted to leave it by taking their bib quietly and devote ourselves to doing our things. However, this is very dangerous because, even if it is milk, there is a risk of choking.

We remember this advice because a four-month-old baby has died in Argentina after choking on bottle milk. In this case, it is a serious negligence of the person in charge, who left the baby in the care of two other children, but it is not the first case of babies who die or are about to do so, that reason, Never leave your baby taking the bottle alone.

An unfortunate case

The police are now investigating the possible causes of the baby's death but, apparently, the mother of the three brothers left to make the purchase leaving the baby in charge of her two minor children.

It is not known if the children tried to feed the baby as a game or if their mother had left them in charge of giving them the bottle, but the fact is that the choking occurred when the little ones tried to feed their brother, who was already unconscious and breathless when help arrived and it was impossible to revive him.

Not only with solids

Here we are talking about an extreme, a serious negligence that has had tragic consequences. However, it is worth emphasizing the need to monitor babies while they are taking the bottle because they can not only chok on solid foods, With milk there is also a risk of choking.

It is true that these chokes are usually solved with relative ease because there is no object that is clogging the airways and normally, just putting the baby on or upside down solves the problem, but what if we left the baby alone with the bottle and are we in another room?

Baby bottle gadgets

Leave the baby taking his bottle supported on a cushion or on some of the devices that have been invented to keep him held while his parents are not in front it's very dangerous. In the same way, even if you are older and you like to grab your bibi, we have to be there to watch that everything is going well while drinking the milk.

And it's not just about security. Children who do not breastfeed (or not exclusively) also need to be fed with the bottle in the best possible way: lovingly by holding them in their arms, looking into their eyes ...

The Kassing method is a technique that serves to give the bottle as close as possible to breastfeeding in terms of effort, stimulation and engagement. Do not leave the baby alone while taking the bottle It's not just a matter of security.

What to do if the baby chokes on the milk

In any case, if it happens that the baby chokes on the milk while taking the bottle or breast, it is important to be warned and know how to act in this situation in the most effective way possible.