Seven yoga poses for pregnant women: asanas recommended for the second trimester

Previously we have shared several articles in Babies and more where we talk about the benefits of practicing yoga during pregnancy, one of the most appropriate exercises to perform during this stage. A few days ago I showed you the postures or asanas that you could perform during the first trimester of your pregnancy.

We continue now with the next part of this special yoga series, and we share seven postures for the second trimester of pregnancy.

Yoga in the second trimester of pregnancy

Again we consulted with Melissa Aguilera of Namaste Yoga, who is certified as a prenatal yoga instructor, to tell us what it is like to practice yoga in this second trimester and what are the postures she recommends.

This trimester is the most comfortable of pregnancy, because the discomfort of the first and your belly are behind, although it is already notorious, it still gives you a lot of freedom of movement. Is the ideal time to strengthen the muscles of the back and legs, so that you can prepare for the burden of the weight they will carry in the coming weeks.

In this quarter your balance point will move as your baby grows, so Although it is good to practice balancing postures because they fill the muscles and bones with blood and oxygen, you should be careful and do them gently, recharging on a wall if necessary.

Yoga postures for the second trimester

As we mentioned, in this second quarter the important thing is to strengthen the muscles of the legs and back, so it is recommended to make positions that meet this goal.

It is important to try to avoid the postures in which you place yourself on your back or perform them for a short time, because all the weight of the uterus falls on the back, intestines and inferior vena cava, which is responsible for returning the blood that It comes from the lower part of the body.

Virabhadrasana I

Virabhadrasana I or Warrior Posture I, is the beginning of the three versions of the Warrior Posture. Starting in Tadasana or the Mountain Posture we saw in the first quarter, inhale and separate the feet approximately one meter. Then, turn your right foot 90 ° outward, followed by the torso and hips. Flex your right leg to form a right angle and raise your arms up, following your hands with your eyes. We share a video of the step by step, to correctly make the Warrior Posture I:

This posture helps strengthen various muscle groups, including chest, shoulders, arms, back, thighs and ankles. It also helps improve coordination and increase the ability to concentrate.

Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II or Warrior Posture II, is the position that follows Guerrero I and in which "the warrior" is in an attack position. Starting again in Tadasana, spread your legs and raise your arms to your sides, keeping them straight with your shoulders and palms facing down. Then, turn your right foot 90 ° outward and flex your right leg to form a right angle. In this video the position of Guerrero II is shown step by step:

Like the Warrior Posture I, this posture serves to strengthen the muscles of the back, chest, shoulders, arms and legs, in addition to helping to gain balance and stability.


Balasana or Child Pose, is a posture of relaxation that allows us to rest. We start by placing ourselves on our knees on the floor and sitting on our heels. In the case of pregnant women, the knees should be separated to allow us to bend down and leave room for the belly between the legs. We bow down to touch the ground with our forehead and place our arms at our sides or in front of our body.

The benefits of the Child Pose are stretching of the lower back, stretching of the shoulders (when the arms are placed in front), relieving tired feet and reducing or relieving stress and fatigue.


Bitilasana or Cow Pose, is one of the basic postures of yoga and is regularly accompanied by Marjaryasana or Cat Pose, which we will talk about later. Start by placing yourself on the floor supporting your knees and hands, as if forming a table with your back straight. Inhale and raise your pelvis and head, while lowering the stomach. Exhale and return your back to its straight position.

This posture helps stretch the back muscles, tone and strengthen the arms, stretch and strengthen the neck muscles and improve coordination.


Marjaryasana or Cat Pose, is similar to the Cow Pose, and is usually practiced with her. It starts just like that posture, but instead of lowering the stomach while you inhale, you should arch your back and tuck your abdomen.

This posture helps reduce tension, strengthen the back and pelvic area, promote flexibility of the spine, correct bad posture and control the mind.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or Bridge Pose, another initial yoga posture, receives this name for the way the back does when raised. Start in Savasana or Corpse Pose, which we saw in the first quarter postures, flex the knees and place the feet apart, trying to place them as close as possible to your hands. Inhale and lift your hips and then the back of the floor, while arching your spine slightly. Breathe evenly for a few seconds and then slowly lower your back and hips to the floor.

This posture helps to stretch the chest, neck and spine, as well as reduce fatigue, back pain, headache and insomnia. Like many other yoga poses, it also relieves stress and brings a sense of well-being.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Adho Mukha Svanasana or Dog Pose DownIt is one of the best known yoga postures and is a posture of transition or rest. This position can be started in two ways, but in the case of pregnancy, the ideal is to start it standing.

Beginning in the posture of Tadasana or Mountain Pose, we spread our feet across the hip and raise our arms to the sky. Later we flex the hip until our hands touch the ground and then we take a step back, so that we are forming an inverted V. To exit or finish this posture, we can flex the knees and move on to Balasana or Child Posture.

In this posture we stretch the entire posterior chain of our body: back, shoulders and buttocks, which helps strengthen the muscles of the back, neck, shoulders and abdomen. In addition, it helps improve blood circulation.

General recommendations

Remember that Before beginning or continuing any exercise routine in pregnancy, you should always consult your doctor and wait for him to give you permission to do so. When practicing yoga asanas or postures, you should not try harder. If you feel that you lack the air when performing a posture, it is better to stop and avoid it, it means that you are trying too hard.

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In Babies and more | Seven yoga poses for pregnant women: asanas recommended for the first trimester, Yoga for pregnant women: benefits, contraindications and precautions