Recover from caesarean section

Being a surgical intervention, caesarean section recovery It is slower than a vaginal birth. Generally, the patient requires four to seven days of observation in maternity after childbirth

Recovery depends largely on whether the operation was performed with epidural anesthesia (in 90 percent of cases) or general. In both cases they will keep you fasting for several hours, especially if you have been given total anesthesia, as there is a risk of nausea and vomiting. It must be taken into account that the body blocks the functioning of the intestine as a defense measure and takes two or three days to recover the normal rhythm. This is due to swelling and discomfort in the abdominal area.

It is advisable to drink little liquid during the first day and on the second day to drink a broth with plenty of salt, since sodium helps to reactivate the intestinal system, complementing with gentle massages in the abdomen in the direction of clockwise. Doctors consider it important for the mother to start walking short distances the day after the cesarean section to avoid the risk of thrombosis or phlebitis. It is not convenient to make movements that involve the abdominal muscles. To get out of bed, sit well on the edge and help yourself with the strength of your arms to stand up. To take the first steps and sit down, protect the scar with your hands. It is very possible that at first you feel dizzy, so ask someone to help you.

The wound should always be kept dry, so until the stitches are removed you should cover it with a plastic dressing on the bandage to prevent it from getting wet. Once without stitches, put on gauze if the rubbing of your clothes bothers you. If it hurts a lot, or you notice the inflamed or red area, visit the doctor that is not common, but could have been infected.

Video: Improving C-Section Recovery: The ERAS Program Helps You Heal (July 2024).