Can you dye your hair during pregnancy?

There is a diversity of opinions as to whether you may or may not dye your hair during pregnancy, and it is normal, every precaution is little for the health of our baby.

Since there are no studies that indicate that the current dyes can harm the fetus, it is advisable to wait for the second trimester, since in the first three months the vital organs, the head, the body and the extremities of the baby are formed, and once After this time, it is convenient to use vegetable dyes that contain fewer chemicals than permanent dyes.

It is also recommended to read the product label to verify that the dye does not contain lead acetate, as this compound could be dangerous for the fetus, especially with your brain and nervous system. The same happens with the liquids that are used to make the permanent, because they contain chemical solutions that can also affect our baby. There are natural products made from natural pigments that after application are deposited on the surface of the hair, although they only last 6 or 8 washes, they are a healthy option and we will achieve the desired goal.

And if you are going to dye your hair at home, do not forget to use the gloves and try to do it in a ventilated room, since being pregnant you have greater sensitivity to odors, so it is advisable to check if your nose will tolerate the product, in addition to checking the possible allergic response by the sensitivity test indicated on the product.

To be pregnant you do not have to neglect your image, this is the moment of greatest splendor of any woman.

Video: Pregnancy Myth Buster (May 2024).