Fairy tales and witches

Have you ever told your child a fairy tale and witches ?, depending on age, children may not understand the story you tell them, even if they are simple, the burden of fantasy can always magnify it.

Fantasy and reality merge in the child's mind, his magical and imaginative thinking enlarges the whole story, and these stories that are intended for him to enjoy, become true nightmares in his dreams.

Therefore it is important to take into account the age and understanding of the child when telling a story or fairy tale and witches, try not to be excessively representative when telling it and above all, that this story or story has a great ending, that it is happy and that everything ends very well, this helps to avoid possible fears. But the most important thing is that the child understands that a story is not a reality, that the characters in the story do not exist and that it is only a story invented to entertain us. If it has happened to you, that even if it is a story with a happy ending, and the child is so susceptible that he takes fear, give him a weapon to avoid this fear, we refer to a doll that watches over his dreams, or some “magic” words that frighten their ills, of course, whenever we alienate ourselves with their imagination.

Reading is something very important and necessary for everyone, so we should not stop reading stories to our children, but to make sure they are stories that do not cause any kind of nightmare.

Video: Cinderella Series Episode 4. Three Witches. Fairy Tales and Bedtime Stories For Kids in English (July 2024).