Activities to travel by car with children

If you make traveling by car fun, your children will be able to cope better with the distances and boredom that the fact of having to sit still for the duration of the journey causes them.

Here we tell you Some suggestions to help your child be entertained while traveling by car.

  • Talk about the landscapes you see. Ask him what he sees through the window, point out interesting things.

  • When you know the name of various colors, shapes, letters or numbers, ask them to identify them in traffic signs and street signs.

  • Carry several picture books and some toys in the car, and leave them in a place accessible to the child.

  • Car radio is always effective. Also carry several tapes or CDs of songs or children's stories and encourage your child to sing his favorite songs.

  • For long trips, take a special box with toys and materials appropriate for your child's age, such as painting or activity books, crayons, sheets of paper, stickers, stuffed animals, stringing beads, some electronic game of the kind Viewmaster or Etch-A-Sketch. Be careful, don't let your child use scissors in the car; They could be very dangerous in case of a slowdown.

  • You must stop at least every two hours to rest. This way they can take advantage of the break to stretch their legs, maybe chop something to eat and go to the bathroom.

  • If your child usually gets dizzy when traveling by car, you can give him an adequate dose of Dramamine half an hour before starting the trip. Ask your pediatrician before about the best solution for dizziness caused by the movement of the car.

The trip will be more pleasant and comfortable if, in addition, everyone consistently follows certain rules such as:

  • Do not shout, discuss, hit, bite, make loud noise with objects, etc.
  • Do not allow children to touch the door handles.
  • Have consideration for other people traveling inside the car.

Remember: never leave your child alone in the car; The child should sit in his car seat or put on his belt, even in the shortest journeys.

Video: Car Travel Activities for Kids (July 2024).