The fair measure of punishment

Although we already know that punishment is not one of the best options, there are cases in which it is the only thing that takes effect. But you have to know how to differentiate, since depending on the child a punishment can frustrate you more. For example, a hyperactive child who has no way to be still should not be punished, since through his bad behavior he tries to get attention.

This type of children, in the face of punishment, becomes much more frustrated. In the event that a child is somewhat ducky and often things fall out and break them unintentionally or when they go out to play they get dirty considerably, a punishment increases their low self-esteem. Therefore it is difficult to give a punishment and more to know the fair measure of it.

A punishment should never be imposed lightly, but if they must be taken into account when there are reasons and they are the only solution and even if it does not give us any grace we must comply with them unless it shows that their behavior has changed. A punishment is always preferable than a slap or whipping. Physical punishments are not effective or advisable, since what they cause are negative feelings and a bad reaction from the child. Punishing in a correct way is an arduous task, it is not easy, but we must bear in mind that the child must understand why he has been punished, we must use clear and concise language so that the child understands what the problem is. We must try to be consistent and always impose the same punishment every time he commits the same problem and not ignore the same act on another occasion, since he will stop believing the explanations we had given him previously and possibly in us.

Showing firmness will always give more possibilities for a punishment to be effective, but we must never be aggressive or very authoritarian. An appropriate tone and a serious face will give the child to think and we must always disapprove of the behavior but never the child, this is a mistake that some parents sometimes incur.

With regard to threats, something frequent, in reality they are of no use and more if they are not fulfilled, therefore a threat must be a warning of what will happen in the case of not changing your behavior and if you do not change it, do the effective threat but always with consistency.

Nobody wants to punish your child, it is always better to try to talk and make him understand what he should or should not do and be aware that the punishment would not be imposed if he did not act improperly.

Video: New Sharia Law measures in Brunei include stoning and amputation as punishment (July 2024).