He doesn't want to share anything

When a child starts his gambling with other children, fights usually occur over toys and a phrase well known to all parents "is mine", the truth is that he does not want to share anything. Do not think that they are selfish, as they are beginning to learn what sharing means.

Evolutionary immaturity in a three-year-old child limits the ability to share toys or anything he considers his. In addition, the development of the “I” in his personality makes him grasp a new concept, that of possession and if we add that the child is not yet able to empathize (put himself in the place of the other child), the denial will be overwhelming with Regarding leaving the toy, the result will be a totally self-centered and selfish appearance.

We only have one way left for parents, understanding and teaching so that this attitude changes little by little. We must never show an extreme attitude, we must not be very permissive or prohibitive, we must not constantly fight the child. We must make a sum of patience and understanding and teach our child to share and enjoy the benefit of this fact. Whenever a child, on his own initiative, shares a toy with another child, he must be praised so that he understands that we like his behavior, in addition, this will encourage him to develop more quickly the ability to share and empathic sense.

To encourage sharing, a good system is to propose that children play together, either by making a tower with removable pieces, painting on a blackboard or making a puzzle together.

The important thing is that on the part of the parents there is understanding and interest so that our child learns to be sociable and that our action is adequate to favor the adequate psychological development of the child.