Giving birth singing, music therapy

Our voice is an instrument that we use to express any kind of feeling or emotion, we use it even when we are alone and express our mood in several ways. We sing and express our melancholy or our joy, our sadness or our anger, the voice is present in all feelings.

For this reason, there is a musical technique that helps a future mother deepen her own knowledge, in addition to finding a fair balance between body and mind thanks to music and singing.

In history we can find that various ancient cultures, especially from Asia and Africa, that had the habit of sing while labor was going on. It was in France in the 50s when music therapy for pregnant women was born based on the knowledge that was already had then about the beneficial effects of singing and music in our body. Music is one of the forms of relaxation that can help and benefit the future mother both psychically and physically, singing, allows to establish a direct communication link with the future baby, since as of the fifth month of pregnancy, the child begins to recognize some of mom's sounds, such as heart rate and voice.

There are studies that indicate that the maternal song helps the nervous system of the future baby to develop properly, and the emotional bond between the baby and the mother is reinforced.

The music exerts a very relaxing effect on the mind that allows to relieve tensions and even mitigates possible fears, relieves that anxiety that is inevitably linked to the time of delivery, helps to gain greater confidence in the future mother. In childbirth, music helps even with the necessary concentration of that moment.

There are courses where they teach pregnant women to modulate the voice to promote relaxation of the perine muscles, to express emotions through music by sharing it with other future moms and how to apply music at the time of delivery with practical classes and simulations of this one.

Music therapy is beneficial and has no contraindications, although the pain is not completely eliminated during childbirth, it helps to decrease and control it, since when we sing endorphins are released that reduce the intensity of pain. It is a very suitable way to give birth, you can sing and express the joy you feel and in turn transmit it to everyone.

Video: Pregnancy Music for Labor, Peaceful Nature Songs, Baby Sleep Music (June 2024).