A diet low in salt in children will prevent hypertension in adulthood

It is very important to take care of the organism from an early age, to channel the little one in healthy eating habits, it promotes the prevention of diseases that plague our planet, hypertension or obesity among others.

In the case of hypertension, nothing more advisable than make a diet where salt consumption is moderate and mainly for the little ones, since the fundamentals of a diet and eating habits have to be established in childhood. Thus, a balanced diet and low salt will allow a better cardiovascular health when the little ones reach adulthood.

This is what Dr. Manuel Luque, Head of Service of the Hypertension Unit of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital in Madrid, tells us, up to 30% can reduce the incidence of hypertension if the child follows a healthy lifestyle. All the information that comes through the different media emphasizes the need for parents to establish such habits in their children, there is a lot of health information that we should not drop in a broken bag if we want our Son have a long, healthy and happy life.

As far as salt is concerned, we must bear in mind that up to 75% of the salt we consume does not come from our salt shaker but from the food we eat. The reality is that it is very difficult to know for sure what amount of salt we eat and more when the products are precooked or prepared. It is important to forget a little about the salt shaker when preparing the food for the little ones and monitoring the salt content of the different food products that we provide to our children.

Video: Sodium Reduction: Time for Choice (July 2024).